
In: Computer Science

java Write our Test Driver program that tests our Classes and Class Relationship How we calculate...


Write our Test Driver program that tests our Classes and Class Relationship

How we calculate Net Pay after calculating taxes and deductions taxes:

regNetPay = regPay - (regPay * STATE_TAX) - (regPay * FED_TAX) + (dependents * .03 * regPay )

overtimeNetPay = overtimePay - (overtimePay * STATE_TAX) - (overtimePay * FED_TAX) + (dependents * .02 * overtimePay )

Example printPayStub() output:

Employee: Ochoa
Employee ID: 1234
Hourly Pay: $25.00
Shift: Days
Dependents: 2
Hours Worked: 50
RegGrossPay: $1,000.00 OvertimeGrossPay: $375.00 TotalGrossPay: 1375.00
RegTaxes Deducted: $150.00 ($100.00 State $50.00 Federal )  
OvertimeTaxes Deducted: $56.25 ($37.50 State $18.75 Federal)            
TotalTaxesDeducted: $205.75 ($137.00 State $68.75 Federal)
Tax Deductions: $75.00 RegPay, $60.00 Overtime, $15.00 total deductions
NetRegPay:   $910.00      NetOvertimePay:  $333.75       TotalNetPay: $1,243.75
payday: FRIDAY

public class Worker {

// Member variables

private String name;

private String employeeId;

private boolean dayShift;

private double HourlyPay;
// The default constructor

public Worker() { = "";

this.employeeId = "";

this.dayShift = false;

this.HourlyPay = 0.0;

public Worker(String name, String employeeId, boolean dayShift, double hourlyPay) {

super(); = name;

this.employeeId = employeeId;

this.dayShift = dayShift;

HourlyPay = hourlyPay;

public Worker(Worker w) { =;

this.employeeId = w.employeeId;

this.dayShift = w.dayShift;

this.HourlyPay = w.HourlyPay;
// This method sets the name of the worker

public void setName(String n) { = n;

// This method sets the employee Id

public void setemployeeId(String i) {

this.employeeId = i;

// This method sets the day shift

public void setdayShift(boolean s) {

this.dayShift = s;

// This method sets the hourly pay

public void setHourlyPay(double p) {

this.HourlyPay = p;

// This method returns the name of the worker

public String getname() {


// This method returns the employee Id

public String getemployeeId() {

return this.employeeId;

// This method returns if the worker is in day shift

public boolean getdayShift() {

return this.dayShift;

// This method returns the hourly pay

public double getHourlyPay() {

return this.HourlyPay;

// This method calculates the overtime pay

public double calculateOvertimePay(int hours) {
return (hours - 40) * 1.5 * HourlyPay;

// This method calculates and returns regular pay

public double calculateRegPay(int hours) {

return HourlyPay * hours;


public String toString() {

return "Worker name=" + name + ", employeeId=" + employeeId + ", dayShift=" + dayShift + ", HourlyPay="

+ HourlyPay;



public class Payroll {
private Worker w;

private int dependents;

private static final double STATE_TAX = 0.10;

private static final double FED_TAX = 0.05;
public Payroll() {
this.w = new Worker();

this.dependents = 0;

public Payroll(String name, String id, double pay, boolean s, int d) {
this.w = new Worker(name, id, s, pay);

this.dependents = d;

public Payroll(Worker w, int dependents) {


this.w = w;

this.dependents = dependents;

public Worker getW() {

return w;

public void setW(Worker w) {

this.w = w;

public int getDependents() {

return dependents;

public void setDependents(int dependents) {

this.dependents = dependents;

public double calculateStateTax(int hours) {
return (w.calculateRegPay(hours) + w.calculateOvertimePay(hours)) * STATE_TAX;

public double calculateFedTax(int hours) {
return (w.calculateRegPay(hours) + w.calculateOvertimePay(hours)) * FED_TAX;

public void PrintPayStub(int hours) {

double regPay, overPay;

if (hours <= 40) {

// get the regular pay

regPay = w.calculateRegPay(hours) - calculateStateTax(hours) - calculateFedTax(hours)

+ (dependents * .03 * w.calculateRegPay(hours));

overPay = 0;

} else {

// get the overtime pay

regPay = 40 * w.getHourlyPay() - calculateStateTax(hours) - calculateFedTax(hours);

overPay = w.calculateOvertimePay(hours) - calculateStateTax(hours) - calculateFedTax(hours);


// display the pay Stub

System.out.println("\nName: \t" + w.getname());

System.out.println("Employee ID: " + w.getemployeeId());

System.out.print("Shift: ");

if (w.getdayShift())

System.out.println("\t\t day");



System.out.printf("Hourly Pay: $ %7.2f", w.getHourlyPay());

System.out.printf("\nRegular Pay: $ %.2f", regPay);

System.out.printf("\nOvertime Pay: $ %4.2f", overPay);

System.out.printf("\nGross Pay: $ %8.2f\n", (regPay + overPay));




import java.util.Scanner;
public class WorkerPayrollTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Worker[] workers = new Worker[5];

Payroll[] payrolls = new Payroll[5];
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
System.out.print("Enter worker name: ");

String name = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Enter id: ");

String id = scan.nextLine();

System.out.print("Hourly Pay: ");

double pay = scan.nextDouble();


System.out.print("Is day shift: ");

boolean shift = scan.nextBoolean();

workers[i] = new Worker(name, id, shift, pay);


for (int i = 0; i < payrolls.length; i++) {



System.out.print("Enter dependent: ");

int dependents = scan.nextInt();



payrolls[i] = new Payroll(workers[i], dependents);




for (int i = 0; i < payrolls.length; i++) {


System.out.println(workers[i].toString()+" dependent: "+payrolls[i].getDependents());


System.out.print("Enter hours worked for "+workers[i].getname()+": ");

int hours = scan.nextInt();







Expert Solution

update 2 methods

1) PrintPayStub in

2)calculateRegPay in

please find the below code for the same

package demo;

public class Worker {

   // Member variables

   private String name;

   private String employeeId;

   private boolean dayShift;

   private double HourlyPay;
   // The default constructor

   public Worker() { = "";

       this.employeeId = "";

       this.dayShift = false;

       this.HourlyPay = 0.0;


   public Worker(String name, String employeeId, boolean dayShift, double hourlyPay) {

       super(); = name;

       this.employeeId = employeeId;

       this.dayShift = dayShift;

       HourlyPay = hourlyPay;


   public Worker(Worker w) { =;

       this.employeeId = w.employeeId;

       this.dayShift = w.dayShift;

       this.HourlyPay = w.HourlyPay;
   // This method sets the name of the worker

   public void setName(String n) { = n;

   // This method sets the employee Id

   public void setemployeeId(String i) {

       this.employeeId = i;

   // This method sets the day shift

   public void setdayShift(boolean s) {

       this.dayShift = s;

   // This method sets the hourly pay

   public void setHourlyPay(double p) {

       this.HourlyPay = p;

   // This method returns the name of the worker

   public String getname() {


   // This method returns the employee Id

   public String getemployeeId() {

       return this.employeeId;

   // This method returns if the worker is in day shift

   public boolean getdayShift() {

       return this.dayShift;

   // This method returns the hourly pay

   public double getHourlyPay() {

       return this.HourlyPay;

   // This method calculates the overtime pay

   public double calculateOvertimePay(int hours) {
       return (hours - 40) * 1.5 * HourlyPay;

   // This method calculates and returns regular pay

   public double calculateRegPay(int hours) {
       if(hours>=40) {
       return HourlyPay* 40;
       }else {
           return HourlyPay* hours;



   public String toString() {

       return "Worker name=" + name + ", employeeId=" + employeeId + ", dayShift=" + dayShift + ", HourlyPay="

               + HourlyPay;



package demo;

public class Payroll {
   private Worker w;

   private int dependents;

   private static final double STATE_TAX = 0.10;

   private static final double FED_TAX = 0.05;

   public Payroll() {
       this.w = new Worker();

       this.dependents = 0;


   public Payroll(String name, String id, double pay, boolean s, int d) {
       this.w = new Worker(name, id, s, pay);

       this.dependents = d;


   public Payroll(Worker w, int dependents) {


       this.w = w;

       this.dependents = dependents;


   public Worker getW() {

       return w;


   public void setW(Worker w) {

       this.w = w;


   public int getDependents() {

       return dependents;


   public void setDependents(int dependents) {

       this.dependents = dependents;


   public double calculateStateTax(int hours) {
       return (w.calculateRegPay(hours) + w.calculateOvertimePay(hours)) * STATE_TAX;


   public double calculateFedTax(int hours) {
       return (w.calculateRegPay(hours) + w.calculateOvertimePay(hours)) * FED_TAX;


   public void PrintPayStub(int hours) {
       double regPay, overPay;
       if (hours <= 40) {
// get the regular pay
           regPay = w.calculateRegPay(hours) - calculateStateTax(hours) - calculateFedTax(hours)
                   + (dependents * .03 * w.calculateRegPay(hours));
           overPay = 0;
       } else {
// get the overtime pay
           regPay = 40 * w.getHourlyPay() - calculateStateTax(40) - calculateFedTax(40)+ (dependents * .03 * w.calculateRegPay(40));
           overPay = w.calculateOvertimePay(hours) - (calculateStateTax(hours)-calculateStateTax(40)) - (calculateFedTax(hours)-calculateFedTax(40))
                   + (dependents * .02 * w.calculateOvertimePay(hours));
// display the pay Stub
       System.out.println("\nName: \t" + w.getname());
       System.out.println("Employee ID: " + w.getemployeeId());
       System.out.print("Shift: ");
       if (w.getdayShift())
           System.out.println("\t\t day");
       System.out.printf("Hourly Pay: $ %7.2f", w.getHourlyPay());
       System.out.printf("\nRegular Pay: $ %.2f", regPay);
       System.out.printf("\nOvertime Pay: $ %4.2f", overPay);
       System.out.printf("\nGross Pay: $ %8.2f\n", (regPay + overPay));


package demo;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class WorkerPayrollTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Worker[] workers = new Worker[5];

       Payroll[] payrolls = new Payroll[5];
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
       for (int i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
           System.out.print("Enter worker name: ");

           String name = scan.nextLine();

           System.out.print("Enter id: ");

           String id = scan.nextLine();

           System.out.print("Hourly Pay: ");

           double pay = scan.nextDouble();


           System.out.print("Is day shift: ");

           boolean shift = scan.nextBoolean();

           workers[i] = new Worker(name, id, shift, pay);

       for (int i = 0; i < payrolls.length; i++) {


           System.out.print("Enter dependent: ");

           int dependents = scan.nextInt();


           payrolls[i] = new Payroll(workers[i], dependents);


       for (int i = 0; i < payrolls.length; i++) {

           System.out.println(workers[i].toString() + " dependent: " + payrolls[i].getDependents());

           System.out.print("Enter hours worked for " + workers[i].getname() + ": ");

           int hours = scan.nextInt();






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