How and why firms raise the capital?
- Firms raise capital in capital by two types,
- Debt Capital- The types of debt capital are bank loans,
personal loans, bonds and credit card debt. a company can raise
additional capital by applying for a new loan or opening a line of
- Equity capital- the firm can come up with an IPO for the first
round of fund raising. the later on can be raisedby issuing shares
in the secondary share market.
- Firms raise capital because
- The business should run ideally
- the working capital requirements of the business should be
- a initial capital is to be raised to fund the capital
investments necessary for the operation to begin.
- for the purpose of expansion additional funds are rquired to
attain the objectives.
- to pay the debt, funds are required.
Costs realted to raising capital
- Dividends to be paid to the shareholders
- Meeting shareholders expectations regarding the return on
- Intrest to be paid on the debt fund.
- opportunity cost of the funds invested
- fees and commission to be paid for raising the funds.