
In: Economics

After over a half century later, another visionary car maker, Elon Musk emerges with an electric...

After over a half century later, another visionary car maker, Elon Musk emerges with an electric car of Tesla. What is a future of Tesla? Could it be the fate of another Tucker? if so, why? Is there any concern about Elon's leadership style such as infamous/bogus tweet about privatizing Telsa without funding, cash shortage and delayed product delivery? or Could it be another successful exception as a new member who survived and becomes prosperous in an Oligopoly corporate club due to another niche market of electric cars, despite growing global competition in electric car market,beside his SPACE-X project? If so, why?


Expert Solution

What is a future of Tesla?

Answer 1

The rapid rise in Tesla's stock price has come as the company has managed to accelerate Model 3 output, launch & Started Model Y crossover production, reduction in unnecessary costs and strong leadership of CEO Elon Musk in the tough times covid 19 Pandemic. All these characteristics makes tesla as one most valuable car maker in the world.

Therefore the future of tesla looks promising and positive.

Could it be the fate of another Tucker?

Answer: Its unlikely as Imitating the succes of a company like tesla is very difficult because of some peculiar factors

1. Early mover Advantage

2. Leadership style of Elon Musk

3. Customer acceptance & relevance

4. Competition is increasing

5. Wide Distribution Network

Is there any concern about Elon's leadership style ? or Could it be another successful exception

Elon Musk is commonly seen as a visionary , Innovative & Creative Leader. However with this unique personality & infinite creativity sometimes resulted in devastating consequences. But we have to remember that this creative style has lead to incredible success in his Different ventures. Yes it true , that he has taken his decioons some times very quickly but he has realised and admit the mistakes later, true quality of cretive leader.

Therefore in Elon musk case , it would be an exception , he will be making mistakes due to excess creativity but that will lead to path-breaking innovations.

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