
In: Nursing

9.1 Discuss Pediatric nursing role in providing care for the child with neoplastic disease and the...

9.1 Discuss Pediatric nursing role in providing care for the child with neoplastic disease and the family.

9.2 Discuss nursing precautions and responsibilities during blood transfusion.


Expert Solution

Pediatric nursing role in providing care for the child with neoplastic disease and the family includes the screening for the disease in families who have genes that predispose to the disease. If the patient is diagnosed with the diseases the next step is staging the disease with no possibility of a cure, and providing counseling to improve the quality of life of family members, and the patient. In the case of patients having no cure for the provision of palliative care to patients is very important and for this, the counseling of the family is required.

Nursing precautions and responsibilities during blood transfusion;

  1. Checking MD order
    2. Verify Blood is ready in the blood bank (lab)
    3. Make sure IV site present and patent
    4. Ask pt about allergies and previous reactions to blood products
    5. Follow institution guidelines (consent forms)
    6. Obtain baseline vital signs
    7. Administer premeds if ordered
    8. Assemble equipment, prime tubing
  1. Inspecting the blood product for s/s of leakage, clots, bubbles, purplish color
    2. Two licensed nurses must compare blood with crossmatch slip and with ID band

Prior to Blood admin comparing the;

  1. Client name
    2. ID number
    3. Blood type
    4. Donor number on blood container
    5. Expiration date

Steps to hang and begin admin of Blood product;

  1. Don gloves
    2. Prepare to tube with NS
    3. Spike blood bag to tubing
    4. Run blood slowly per institution protocol for first 10-15min
    5.If no adverse reaction occurs in the first 15 min. Continue at infused rate 125-175ml/hr or Other Order by MD
    5. Recheck Vitals at 10min, 30min and at stop time.

After initiating blood administration the nurse should watch for;

*Transfusion reaction*
1.A headache
6.Back pain
8. Fever
9. Tachycardia
10. Respiratory Distress
11. Hypotension

After the transfusion is complete; 1. Flush IV with NS
2. Dispose of the Empty bag per policy in contamination container
3. Document on an appropriate form, place appropriate transfusion records in pt chart.

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