In: Physics
Explain in details the Bohr's Module for the atom?
Niels Bohr proposed the Bohr Model of the Atom in 1915. Because the Bohr Model is a modification of the earlier Rutherford Model, some people call Bohr's Model the Rutherford-Bohr Model.
The modern model of the atom is based on quantum mechanics. The Bohr Model contains some errors, but it is important because it describes most of the accepted features of atomic theory without all of the high-level math of the modern version. Unlike earlier models, the Bohr Model explains the Rydberg formula for the spectral emission lines of atomic hydrogen.
The Bohr Model is a planetary model in which the negatively-charged electrons orbit a small, positively-charged nucleus similar to the planets orbiting the Sun (except that the orbits are not planar). The gravitational force of the solar system is mathematically akin to the Coulomb (electrical) force between the positively-charged nucleus and the negatively-charged electrons.
Main Points of the Bohr Model
Bohr Model of Hydrogen
The simplest example of the Bohr Model is for the hydrogen atom (Z = 1) or for a hydrogen-like ion (Z > 1), in which a negatively-charged electron orbits a small positively-charged nucleus. Electromagnetic energy will be absorbed or emitted if an electron moves from one orbit to another.
Only certain electron orbits are permitted. The radius of the possible orbits increases as n2, where n is the principal quantum number. The 3 ? 2 transition produces the first line of the Balmer series. For hydrogen (Z = 1) this produces a photon having wavelength 656 nm (red light).
Problems with the Bohr Model
{\displaystyle \Delta {E}=E_{2}-E_{1}=h\nu \ ,}
{\displaystyle \nu ={1 \over T}~~.}:
{\displaystyle {1 \over 2}mv^{2}=n{h \over 2\pi }=n\hbar
Bohr's condition, that the angular momentum is an integer multiple of ? was later reinterpreted in 1924 by de Broglie as a standing wave condition: the electron is described by a wave and a whole number of wavelengths must fit along the circumference of the electron's orbit:
{\displaystyle n\lambda =2\pi r~.}
The electron is held in a circular orbit by electrostatic attraction. The centripetal force is equal to the Coulomb force.
{\displaystyle {m_{\mathrm {e} }v^{2} \over r}={Zk_{\mathrm {e}
}e^{2} \over r^{2}}}
where me is the electron's mass, e is the charge of the electron, ke is Coulomb's constant and Z is the atom's atomic number. It is assumed here that the mass of the nucleus is much larger than the electron mass (which is a good assumption). This equation determines the electron's speed at any radius:
{\displaystyle v={\sqrt {Zk_{\mathrm {e} }e^{2} \over m_{\mathrm
{e} }r}}.}
It also determines the electron's total energy at any radius:
{\displaystyle E=-{1 \over 2}m_{\mathrm {e} }v^{2}}
The total energy is negative and inversely proportional to r. This means that it takes energy to pull the orbiting electron away from the proton. For infinite values of r, the energy is zero, corresponding to a motionless electron infinitely far from the proton. The total energy is half the potential energy, which is also true for noncircular orbits by the virial theorem.
The angular momentum L = mevr is an integer multiple of ?:
{\displaystyle m_{\mathrm {e} }vr=n\hbar }
Substituting the expression for the velocity gives an equation for r in terms of n:
{\displaystyle m_{\text{e}}{\sqrt {\dfrac
{k_{\text{e}}Ze^{2}}{m_{\text{e}}r}}}r=n\hbar }
so that the allowed orbit radius at any n is:
{\displaystyle r_{n}={n^{2}\hbar ^{2} \over Zk_{\mathrm {e}
}e^{2}m_{\mathrm {e} }}}
The smallest possible value of r in the hydrogen atom (Z=1) is called the Bohr radius and is equal to:
{\displaystyle r_{1}={\hbar ^{2} \over k_{\mathrm {e}
}e^{2}m_{\mathrm {e} }}\approx 5.29\times 10^{-11}\mathrm {m}
The energy of the n-th level for any atom is determined by the radius and quantum number:
{\displaystyle E=-{Zk_{\mathrm {e} }e^{2} \over
2r_{n}}=-{Z^{2}(k_{\mathrm {e} }e^{2})^{2}m_{\mathrm {e} } \over
2\hbar ^{2}n^{2}}\approx {-13.6Z^{2} \over n^{2}}\mathrm {eV}
This expression is clarified by interpreting it in combinations that form more natural units:
{\displaystyle \,m_{\mathrm {e} }c^{2}}
is the rest mass energy of the electron (511 keV)
{\displaystyle \,{k_{\mathrm {e} }e^{2} \over \hbar c}=\alpha
\approx {1 \over 137}}
is the fine structure constant
{\displaystyle \,R_{\mathrm {E} }={1 \over 2}(m_{\mathrm {e}
}c^{2})\alpha ^{2}}
Since this derivation is with the assumption that the nucleus is orbited by one electron, we can generalize this result by letting the nucleus have a charge q = Z e where Z is the atomic number. This will now give us energy levels for hydrogenic atoms, which can serve as a rough order-of-magnitude approximation of the actual energy levels. So for nuclei with Z protons, the energy levels are (to a rough approximation):
{\displaystyle E_{n}=-{Z^{2}R_{\mathrm {E} } \over
the formula uses the reduced mass also, but in this case, it is exactly the electron mass divided by 2. For any value of the radius, the electron and the positron are each moving at half the speed around their common center of mass, and each has only one fourth the kinetic energy. The total kinetic energy is half what it would be for a single electron moving around a heavy nucleus.
{\displaystyle E_{n}={R_{\mathrm {E} } \over