In: Economics
how would you characterize the relationship between hip hop culture and rap?
Rap and hip-hop are not opposites; rap is an aspect of the history of hip-hop. But this is not just a way to learn of the relation between the two forms. It is also an approach to music production. For its own sake as an activity, there is no intrinsic justification that anyone should not enjoy hip-hop and also enjoy what it creates. And as one continues to perceive rap music as an example of a larger and broader range of processes of hip-hop, the focus begins to change away from what rap music is to what it does.
It also doesn't have to be exploitative or shallow, particularly though rap music is created for commercial reasons. In a way that is ethical, socially rewarding and attentive to community needs, it can still be achieved. In comparison, hip-hop continues to express itself as a community project, as a spiritual tradition. That makes it an incredibly versatile and valuable mechanism for getting people together, since it is determined by the individuals who are interested at the time. They make it as they would want it to be. And that basic method, a group of people talking to each other about how art can work, may potentially be one of the most important artistic actions that people can participate in.