
In: Statistics and Probability

Explain why the number of nonterminals that can pop from an LL(1) parse stack is not...

Explain why the number of nonterminals that can pop from an LL(1) parse stack is not bounded by a grammar-specific constant.


Expert Solution

LL(1) parsing principle:-

Parse from 1) left-to-right (as always anyway), do a 2) left-most derivation

and resolve the “which-right-hand-side” non-determinism by

1. looking 1 symbol ahead.


• two flavors for LL(1) parsing here (both are top-down parsers)

– recursive descent

– table-based LL(1) parser

• predictive parsers

If one wants to be very precise: it’s recursive descent with one look-ahead and

without back-tracking. It’s the single most common case for recursive descent

parsers. Longer look-aheads are possible, but less common. Technically, even

allowing back-tracking can be done using recursive descent as principle (even

if not done in practice).

Sample expr grammar again

factors and terms

exp → term exp′

exp′ → addop term exp′

addop → + ∣ −

term → factor term′

term′ → mulop factor term′

mulop → ∗

factor → ( exp ) ∣ n


Look-ahead of 1: straightforward, but not trivial

• look-ahead of 1:

– not much of a look-ahead, anyhow

– just the “current token”

⇒ read the next token, and, based on that, decide

• but: what if there’s no more symbols?

⇒ read the next token if there is, and decide based on the token or else the

fact that there’s none left6

Example: 2 productions for non-terminal factor

factor → ( exp ) ∣ number

6Sometimes “special terminal” $ used to mark the end (as mentioned).


that situation is trivial, but that’s not all to LL(1) . . .

Recursive descent: general set-up

1. global variable, say tok, representing the “current token” (or pointer to

current token)

2. parser has a way to advance that to the next token (if there’s one)


For each non-terminal nonterm, write one procedure which:

• succeeds, if starting at the current token position, the “rest” of the token

stream starts with a syntactically correct word of terminals representing


• fail otherwise

• ignored (for right now): when doing the above successfully, build the AST

for the accepted nonterminal.

Recursive descent

method factor for nonterminal factor

f i n a l int LPAREN=1,RPAREN=2,NUMBER=3,


void facto r ( ) {

switch ( tok ) {

case LPAREN: e a t (LPAREN) ; expr ( ) ; e a t (RPAREN) ;

case NUMBER: e a t (NUMBER) ;



Recursive descent

qtype token = LPAREN | RPAREN | NUMBER


l e t f a c t o r ( ) = (∗ f u n c t i o n f o r f a c t o r s ∗)

match ! tok with

LPAREN −> e a t (LPAREN) ; expr ( ) ; e a t (RPAREN)

| NUMBER −> e a t (NUMBER)

Slightly more complex

• previous 2 rules for factor: situation not always as immediate as that

LL(1) principle (again)

given a non-terminal, the next token must determine the choice of right-hand



⇒ definition of the First set

Lemma 4.4.1 (LL(1) (without nullable symbols)). A reduced context-

free grammar without nullable non-terminals is an LL(1)-grammar iff for

all non-terminals A and for all pairs of productions A → α1 and A → α2

with α1 =/ α2:

First1(α1) ∩ First1(α2) = ∅ .

Common problematic situation

• often: common left factors problematic

if -stmt → if ( exp ) stmt

∣ if ( exp ) stmt else stmt

• requires a look-ahead of (at least) 2

• ⇒ try to rearrange the grammar

1. Extended BNF ([6] suggests that)

if -stmt → if ( exp ) stmt[else stmt]

1. left-factoring:


It must be the next token/terminal in the sense of First, but it need not be a token directly

mentioned on the right-hand sides of the corresponding rules.

if -stmt → if ( exp ) stmt else−part

else−part → ∣ else stmt

Recursive descent for left-factored if -stmt

procedure i fstmt ( )


match ( " i f " ) ;

match ( " ( " ) ;

exp ( ) ;

match ( " ) " ) ;

stmt ( ) ;

i f token = " e l s e "

then match ( " e l s e " ) ;

stmt ( )


end ;

Left recursion is a no-go

factors and terms

exp → exp addop term ∣ term

addop → + ∣ −

term → term mulop factor ∣ factor

mulop → ∗

factor → ( exp ) ∣ number


Left recursion explanation

• consider treatment of exp: First(exp)?

– whatever is in First(term), is in First(exp)


– even if only one (left-recursive) production ⇒ infinite recursion.


Left-recursive grammar never works for recursive descent.

8And it would not help to look-ahead more than 1 token either.

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