
In: Nursing

Water is an essential nutrient; you can only survive a few days without water. We live...

Water is an essential nutrient; you can only survive a few days without water. We live in a hot, humid climate and physical activity requires replacement of water loss by perspiration and vapor. Please discuss:

Define dehydration

Discuss how dehydration can happen with exercise.

Explain the hydration schedule for physical activity.

How do we prevent hyperthermia and hypothermia when we plan to exercise outside?.

What is hyponatremia and how can we prevent it?


Expert Solution

1)ans)DEHYDRATION: it is a condition that can occur with eccess loss of water and other body fluids.dehydration results from decreased intake,increased out put (renal,gastrointestinal or insensible losses), a shift of fluid (eg: ascites,effusion ),or capillary leak of fluid (eg : burns and sepsis)

how hydration can happen with exercise:

During exercise,dehydration inhibits our ability to lose heat by reducing blood flow to skin .this also results in an increase in core body temperature additional cardiovascular strain.

12% dehydration has little effect on the core body temperature during excercise.

Physiological effects of dehydration during excercise are:

1) decrease plasma volume.

2) increase plasma osmolarity or concentration within a fluid.

3) increase viscosity.

4) decrease blood volume.

Hydration schedule for physical activity:

prior to excercise: consume 16to 20 fluid ounces two to three hours prior to a exercise or game practice.

Consume 16 to 20 fluid ounces 30 minutes prior to a exercise.

Keep yourself in a hydrated state by consuming non caffeinated ,non carbonated and sugar free beverages throughout the day.

During competition:

Consume 8 fluid ounces every 15 minutes.

Never Allow yourself to became thirsty.

Consider a sports drink to replenish electrolytes list from sweat.

After competition:

Weight yourself immediately and replenish lost fluids .

Don't engage in physical activity until you replenish lost fluids.

prevention of hyperthermia and hypothermia when we plan to exercise outside:

hypothermia: it is abnormally low body temperature.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Protect your head,hands ,feet and ears.

Dress in layers.donot wear cotton in cold weather.

Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia.

Assess the situation before going out.


Drink plenty of fluids.

Know your fitness level.your body may have a lower tolerance to the heat.reduce your exercise intensity and take frequent breaks.

Dress appropriately: light weight, loose-fitting clothing helps sweat evaporate and keeps you cooler.

Avoid midday sun.

Have a backup plan.

Understand your medical risks.

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