In: Accounting
Q. The trade-off between reliability and construct validity has been referred to internal / external validity. Explain them.
Answer:- Internal validity refers to anote ability which determines whether there exist any casual relationship between one or more independent variableschools and also with one or more dependent variableso.
There is an obvious tension between the two. When internal validity often requires abstraction Ans simplification to make the research more tractable, these concessions are made at the cost of decreasing external validity.
An equally intuitive idea is that internal validity is actually a precondition of external validity. Internal validity is necessary but not sufficient condition for external validity. Internal and external validity stand in a trade off relationship with each other, and that internal validity is a prerequisite to external validity, are not necessarily compatible. It is at the very least not clear how to combine the two.
At a very basic intuitive level, a trade off between two variableseparate must imply that the more we get of one, the less we get of the other. If we make a question of the trade-office between internal and external validity analytically tractable, we can take a general assertion about this trade-off to mean two differentiated things. We mean that we can only obtain experiments that have low internal validity and high external validity and vice versa, or that in a given experimental design, internal validity can be increased at the expense of external validity and vice versa. We will focus our efforts on the second of these two claims,. On the other hand, the first claim would deny, quite implausibly, the existence of experiments that are both internally and exterm ally valid which in the face of what we know about paradigmatic experiments in science would seem too radical a view.