
In: Nursing

College careers aides learning concepts required for gaining responsibility to persist through professional development, manage time, and apply critical thinking skills.

This is 956 words please help condense it to 700. I need this essay to be shortened for nursing application. Please help and write in your own words.

         College careers aides learning concepts required for gaining responsibility to persist through professional development, manage time, and apply critical thinking skills. My brother and sister who worked as nurses before and during the height of the pandemic humbled themselves helping those in poorer communities. Doctor Martin Luther King once conveyed the importance of education in which, “Intelligence plus character, is the true goal of education”. Their conventional wisdom followed by my interest in medicine convinced me of attaining a Master’s degree in Nursing as my true calling. The value of a nurse’s work is compelling and beneficial to patients, families, and communities.
         Over ten years ago, my family faced the challenge of persevering after a devastating car wreck my cousin was a passenger in. I was a witness to the nurses, doctors, and medical staff working in perfect harmony as they provided my family with hope and remained a patient advocate to my cousin staying positive even during signs of stress. The nurses in the surgical subspecialty groups’ work entailed providing personal insight, building relationships with family, and treating my cousin which benefited her healing process in the long run. The nurses displayed their attributes of leadership qualities and integrity reassuring that the treatment my cousin received would get her better. A nurse’s guidance minimize and teach patients how to manage their conditions, tend to their physical and emotional needs, council and provide medical education, and conduct medical examinations in order for the patient to achieve a long lasting recovery.
         My incentives to improve in academics required classes in pathophysiology and my senior seminar which led to learning more about diseases helping me better understand the challenges of our health crisis. The principle values during class discussions on ideal topics of the fundamental issues of society, science, and education was a positive learning experience. I invest much time and resources in education with the determination that the end result will be pleasing and latter. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet. It brings me much gratitude having a family with strong Guyanese heritage work in the delivery of quality health care devoting themselves to servicing patients with empathy and compassion. This provides the encouragement I need pertaining to my nursing studies. My passion to provide care for others has opened opportunities for me in childhood centers, administrative offices, and daycares. This is crucial understanding my role as a student and contributing to the future of our society. Growing up in a third world country where people struggle to provide for their families and afford hospital visits fuels my drive to be a nurse. Knowing that some of my friend's never went to the dentist or could not afford a routine checkup as a child is manifested my career goal and motivation. Understanding my ability to outweigh these options in school life and persevere encourages me to become a caring nurse. Nevertheless, living as a minority in America would still bring great pleasure to relocate in Guyana working as a nurse.

The challenges nurses face during their hardships of this health crisis changed the course of their interactions with patients because of social distancing, but given a nurses growth mindset facing challenges meant opportunities and hardships turn into stepping stones to success. My success as a caretaker to my nephew was a miracle when a simple day at his daycare diverted into swallowing magnets, burrowing his stomach lining, intestine, and led to an emergency surgery. The nurses went into action as their remarkable work to save my two year old nephew’s life gave my family another sign of hope. They ensured my family that my nephew received the attention he required. Nurses contribute to helping patients ranging from all age groups while being diplomatic, assertive, and empathic when taking on the role of an advocate to their patients ensuring they receive the treatment they require.
           I am very excited to see what the future holds for me in becoming a pediatric nurse. Like any other profession there will always be difficulties and challenges that people may face but success comes with how well you deal with those challenges. Having a positive mindset at all times and studying hard will always take those who are working hard towards their life long goal far in life. Since being a child there was always a soft spot in my heart of lending a helping hand to those in need. I will always remember the famous quote by Attics Finch which states “you never know someone until you’ve walked in their shoes''. Hence, you may not know the challenges and difficulties someone may be facing in their lives until that person tells you their troubles or you either go through those challenges yourself. This is why I strongly believe that my ability to care about others is what will help me to become successful and give me great satisfaction in my profession of becoming a pediatric nurse.

           As I embark in my journey of the pursuit of having a carrier in medicine as a Pediatric Nurse, I believe it is crucial to gain knowledge and experience in patient centered care. In academia, I’ve maintained my GPA and recently completed my Bachelor’s degree in Biology at Medgar Evers College. My level of aspiration, academic engagement, workmanship, and communication skills I believe makes me worthy of consideration for nursing programs. I am a highly motivated, determined, and hardworking individual and very passionate about my education. I believe I am destined with a lifelong passion to help those in need and be of service to others and setting small steps on working towards the long term goal of becoming a nurse, specifically with a focus on patient-centered care and pediatrics.

This is 956 words please help condense it to 700. I need this essay to be shortened for nursing application. Please help and write in your own words.


Expert Solution

Literacy in itself is no education.Literacy is not the end of education or even the beginning.

Nursing is a good profession for those who are interested in helping others.It needs some knowledge,it get from colleges.Colleges help to learn and practice how to work for others and to improve our responsibility towards the society,how to develop critical thinking skills.My brother and sister who work as nurses before and during the pandemic period to help poorer communities.Dr.Martin Luther King once conveyed the importance of education in which, intelligence plus character is the true goal of education.Their dedicated mind helping me to attain masters degree in true caling

The value of nurses is beneficial to the needy people in the society.

Over ten years ago,m my family faced a car accident and my cousin got injured.At that time the medical department work hard for save the life of my cousin and nurses helped him very much.They work effortlessly. My cousin got positive energy from nurses.Their leadership skills and practice help the patient to improve better than medicine.They coucel and help to manage and overcome the mental stress.

In my academics, with the help of incentives and seminars from seniors,I work hard to gain knowledge and skills.I read many theory books and do many practical duties.I nvest most of the time to study about disease conditions and health crisis in the society.In American minority groups, working is very difficult.I got opportunity to work with children and families.

There is one other incident which improves our hope.My nephew had an emergency surgery to remove magnet from the stomach.During that time nurses action was very helpful and they took emergency action.Nursing education is very challenging and effortful.

I am excited to work as a nurse. So I work hard most of the time in my college days to attain additional knowledge s about health and diseases in my childhood onwards i was ibtinteres to help others and empothy to others children are very soft and humble minded so I am interested to work with children . We never know someone is behind our shoes like other profession nursing has many difficulty and challenges my aim is to overcome it

In my accadamiam I maintained GPA and resonly completed my bachelor's degree in biology from medger Evers college and I want to become a pediatric nuse and I have to work in patient care sectom .In future I will become a good nurse and attain long term goalI hope l will become a good nurse

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College careers aides learning concepts required for gaining responsibility to persist through professional development, manage time, and apply critical thinking skills. My brother and sister who worked as nurses before and during the height of the pandemic humbled themselves helping those in poorer communities. Doctor Martin Luther King once conveyed the importance of education in which, “Intelligence plus character, is the true goal of education”. Their conventional wisdom followed by my interest in medicine convinced me of attaining a Master’s...