
In: Computer Science

Python we need to create a game using only the library and use only Structure...

Python we need to create a game using only the library and use only Structure Functions only.


Expert Solution

#My Tic Tac Game

from itertools import permutations
from graphics import *

def fetchRes():
    # producing the permutations required for winning and storing them in the array
    arrRes = []
    squence = permutations(['7', '8', '9'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['6', '5', '4'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['3', '2', '1'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['1', '4', '7'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['2', '5', '8'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['3', '6', '9'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['1', '5', '9'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    squence = permutations(['3', '5', '7'])
    for x in list(squence):
        aa = ''.join(x)
    return arrRes

def cheking(values_clck, combinRes):
    arrPlay = []
    combi = permutations(values_clck, 3)
    # produce all of the box permutations which is cliecked by the user or plyer
    for c in list(combi):
        aa = ''.join(c)
    # comparing all of the winning and player permutations
    for x in arrPlay:
        if (x in combinRes):
            # if the produced permutation matches the winning permutation, it will return true
            return True

def main():
    # producing the permutations required for winning and storing them in the array
    combin_Res = fetchRes()
    # defining the screen for the game
    gameScr = GraphWin('My Tic Tac', 300, 350)  # Declaration for title and windows measurement
    # declaration for horizontle_lines
    st_line = Line(Point(10, 100), Point(280, 100))
    st_line = Line(Point(10, 190), Point(280, 190))
    # declaration for verticle_lines
    st_line = Line(Point(100, 10), Point(100, 280))
    st_line = Line(Point(190, 10), Point(190, 280))

    # declaring variables
    f_Arr = []
    t_Arr = []
    cont_1 = 0
    cont_2 = 0
    x = 10
    y = 10
    i = 0
    j = 8
    ply_1 = [' ']
    ply_2 = [' ']
    ppl = "X"

    # To store the boundaries I am using while-loop
    while j >= 0:
        f_Arr.append(Point(x, y))
        t_Arr.append(Point(x + 90, y + 90))
        x = x + 90
        j = j - 1
        i = i + 1
        if (i == 3):
            x = 10
            y = y + 90
            i = 0
    clk = True
    v_num = ""
    textOne = Text(Point(1, 1), ply_1)
    t2 = Text(Point(1, 1), ply_1)
    res_Fin = False
    count = 1
    box_In = False
    ptMid = Point(0, 0)

    # while_loop to fetch the co-ordinates where the player has pressed using mouse
    while count <= 9:

        check = gameScr.getMouse()

        if (check.x > f_Arr[0].x and check.x < t_Arr[0].x and check.y > f_Arr[0].y and check.y < t_Arr[0].y):
            v_num = "9"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[0].x + 45, f_Arr[0].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[1].x and check.x < t_Arr[1].x and check.y > f_Arr[1].y and check.y < t_Arr[1].y):
            v_num = "8"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[1].x + 45, f_Arr[1].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[2].x and check.x < t_Arr[2].x and check.y > f_Arr[2].y and check.y < t_Arr[2].y):
            v_num = "7"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[2].x + 45, f_Arr[2].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[3].x and check.x < t_Arr[3].x and check.y > f_Arr[3].y and check.y < t_Arr[3].y):
            v_num = "6"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[3].x + 45, f_Arr[3].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[4].x and check.x < t_Arr[4].x and check.y > f_Arr[4].y and check.y < t_Arr[4].y):
            v_num = "5"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[4].x + 45, f_Arr[4].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[5].x and check.x < t_Arr[5].x and check.y > f_Arr[5].y and check.y < t_Arr[5].y):
            v_num = "4"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[5].x + 45, f_Arr[5].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[6].x and check.x < t_Arr[6].x and check.y > f_Arr[6].y and check.y < t_Arr[6].y):
            v_num = "3"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[6].x + 45, f_Arr[6].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[7].x and check.x < t_Arr[7].x and check.y > f_Arr[7].y and check.y < t_Arr[7].y):
            v_num = "2"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[7].x + 45, f_Arr[7].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        if (check.x > f_Arr[8].x and check.x < t_Arr[8].x and check.y > f_Arr[8].y and check.y < t_Arr[8].y):
            v_num = "1"
            ptMid = Point(f_Arr[8].x + 45, f_Arr[8].y + 45)
            box_In = True
        # put point
        if box_In:
            myText = Text(ptMid, ppl)
            box_In = False
            count = count + 1
        # changing sign of the present plyer and inspecting the outcome
        if ppl == "X":
            if len(ply_1) >= 3:
                res_Fin = cheking(ply_1, combin_Res)
            if res_Fin:
                textOne = Text(Point(gameScr.getWidth() / 2, 320), "Player " + ppl + " wins")
                clk = False
            ppl = "O"
            cont_2 += 1
            if len(ply_2) >= 3:
                res_Fin = cheking(ply_2, combin_Res)
            if res_Fin:
                textOne = Text(Point(gameScr.getWidth() / 2, 320), "Player " + ppl + " wins")
                clk = False
            ppl = "X"

    # When game is drawn the text no one wins will be displayed
    if clk:
        textOne = Text(Point(gameScr.getWidth() / 2, 320), "No One wins :X")

main() #calling main function

#Tic-Tac Toe game using python in library

Output of Code (Game) :

Summary : Created a python game of tic-tac-toe using only the mentioned library, i.e, I've implemented the code using three functiond named as fetchRes, checking and main, where fetchRes produces winning permutations, checking is used for matching and finally main function is used for user-interface stuff. I have used module/library to make this program/game.

P.S. Hope you are satisfied with the provided solution, please give a thumbs up, Good Day !

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