
In: Computer Science

Please write code in c++. Use iostream (and any string library if you need it). Create...

Please write code in c++.

Use iostream (and any string library if you need it).

Create s structure plane :

First line contains n(0 < n < 1001).
Then n lines inputed in given format:
  First - ID[int type]
  Second - FromLocation[char*]
  Third - ToLocation[char*]
  Fourth - DepartureTime[char*]

Sorted list of planes should be in UPPER CASE.

Example of input:(it's just one of an examples, you need to write code generally)

40 Shuch Satp 05:47
89 Kyzy Taldy  07:00
95 Taldy Arka 03:20
61 Baiko Tara 06:31
73 Asta Akto 05:42
77 Akta Turkis 09:42
38 Oske Asta 08:35
94 Rid Sem 08:58
94 Taldy Baiko 03:00
55 Shah Temi 05:43


73 ASTA AKTO 05:42
95 TALDY ARKA 03:20
38 OSKE ASTA 08:35
94 TALDY BAIKO 03:00
40 SHUCH SATP 05:47
84 RID SEM 08:58
89 KYZY TALDY 07:00
61 BAIKO TARA 06:31
55 SHAH TEMI 05:43
77 AKTA TURKIS 09:42

As you see, you need to sort ToLocation by alphabet.


Expert Solution

Program Code Screenshot

Program Sample Input/Output Screenshot

Program Code to Copy

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// create structure for plane
struct plane
   int ID;
   string FromLocation;
   string ToLocation;
   string DepartureTime;

// custom comparator to do sorting
bool sort_by_to_location(plane a, plane b)
   return a.ToLocation < b.ToLocation;

string toUpperCase(string word)
   // convert to uppercase
   for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++)
      if (word[i] >= 'a' && word[i] <= 'z')
         word[i] = word[i] - 'a' + 'A';
   return word;

int main()
   // create a vector of planes
   vector<plane> arr;

   // read input from command line
   int n;
   cin >> n;

   // read n values
   while (n--)
      plane p;

      // read id
      cin >> p.ID;

      // read from
      cin >> p.FromLocation;

      //read to
      cin >> p.ToLocation;

      // read time
      cin >> p.DepartureTime;

      // convert from and to to uppercase
      p.FromLocation = toUpperCase(p.FromLocation);
      p.ToLocation = toUpperCase(p.ToLocation);

      // add in vector

   // sort using custom comparator
   sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), sort_by_to_location);

   cout << endl
        << endl;
   // show output
   for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++)
      plane x = arr[i];
      cout << x.ID << " " << x.FromLocation << " " << x.ToLocation << " " << x.DepartureTime << endl;

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