In: Economics
5 What work environment and life preferences are most important to you? In what ways might these preferences affect your career decision-making?
6 Are you open to proactive and ongoing self-promotion? If So, how will you develop your network? If not, what issues must you overcome in order to be open to self-promotion?
5 ) To me, work life balance is of importance. This means the quantum of work must be such that one gets enough time for personal work or growth as well and is not just glued to office related work all the time.
This preference ,might effect career decisions in a way that one might be agreeing to take less pay if there is work life balance. Further, there might be some companies/industries which require 24*7 commitment like military or doctors, which would be a job profile one might avoid.
6) Proactive and ongoing self-promotion might be slightly difficult for me. Though, there must be a certain level of self-promotion required these days and is acceptable to all.
In this case, to develop network, one would use reviews by older clients or colleagues to highlight the kind of person you are and your work quality. Further networking will help a long way in this case.
One might have to strike a balance between the use of self-promotion and the referrals or reviews of others to establish a good image.