
In: Nursing

If all health information is confidential, explain why it may still be necessary to mark some...

If all health information is confidential, explain why it may still be necessary to mark some health records as "sensitive" or "restricted."


Expert Solution

Records which shouldnot be made public and which can be accessed only under limited circumstances are restricted and sensitive health information.

Some records are marked restricted because if those records when disclosed may lead to theft or any unwanted risks or unauthorised access.The health information protected by law and requiring highest level of control to access may be said as restricted information.

Sensitive or restricted informations may follow high risks when disclosed .Substance abuse,sexual assault, sexually transmitted diseases,reproductive health issues,genetic informations,mental health may attribute social stigma ,discrimination and physical abuse .

A patient who is positive for HIV may face social stigma when this information is exposed to public. He may be isolated in public and also he may undergo physical and other form of abuses. He may even lose his job .These type of information is sensitive.

A health information which may bring unwanted outcomes when disclosed is sensitive or restricted health information.

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