In: Accounting
Switch gears and find the CAFR of a college or
university. Note: it may be hard to find one for private
What funds does this institution use regularly and for what
Colleges and Universities Reporting
To determine the most appropriate method of reporting for colleges
and universities
from the alternatives available under GASB Statements 34 and
Discussion of Alternatives:
The following 3 basic reporting models are available as
alternatives for colleges and
universities reporting under GASB Statements 34 and 35. The
financial reports follow
the guidance established in GASB Statement 34 for special-purpose
entities in paragraphs
1. Reporting only Business-Type Activities (BTA) or Enterprise
Fund Model:
This alternative would allow colleges and universities to present
the financial statements
required for enterprise funds per GASB 34 paragraphs 91-105. The
required financial
statements for BTA’s are Statement of Net Assets or Balance Sheet,
Statement of
Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets or Fund Equity,
and Statement
of Cash Flows. These should be presented using the economic
measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Using this
model entails
preparation of Direct Method Cash Flow Statements, MD&A, RSI
and capitalization of
capital assets and infrastructure and related depreciation.
2. Reporting both Governmental and Business-Type
This alternative would require observing all of the standards
established by GASB 34,
These are the standards for Management
Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), entity-wide financial
statements, fund financial
statements, notes to the financial statements, and Required
Supplementary Information
(RSI) other than MD&A. This method would require both modified
and full accrual basis
of accounting which would entail two sets of financial reports,
much like the
requirements for the CAFR for the State of Louisiana.
3. Reporting only Governmental Activities:
This alternative would require following the guidance to report as
governments engaged only in governmental activities. This
alternative would also
require observing all of the standards established by GASB 34
Financial statements for governmental funds should be
presented using the current financial resources measurement focus
and the modified
accrual basis of accounting, while the institutional-wide
statements would require full
accrual basis of accounting.