
In: Computer Science

A text editor window should pop up with the following source code (except with your actual name):


  1. A text editor window should pop up with the following source code (except with your actual name):
    1. csci1011.lab8;

      * @author Your Name
      public class Account {

  1. Implement the Account class.
    1. Add a public enum called ACCOUNT_TYPE with two values CHECKING, SAVING
    2. Add the following private instance variables to the Account class:
      • An instance variable called aType of type Enum ACCOUNT_TYPE.
      • An instance variable called accountOwner of type String.
      • An instance variable called interestRate of type double.
      • An instance variable called balance of type double
    3. Add getters and setters for the four instance variables of item (b) to the Account class:
    4. Add the following methods to the Account class:
      • A void method called initialize that takes a parameter of type ACCOUNT_TYPE, a String, two doubles and uses those arguments to set the values of the accountType, accountOwner, interestRate, and balance instance variables.
      • A void method called display that displays the account information.
      • A void method called deposit with one parameter of double that adds the given parameter to the balance instance variable.
      • A void method called withdraw with one parameter of double that deduct the given parameter from the balance instance variable. This method prints an error message when the given parameter is greater than the balance. In this case no money should be withdrawn from the account.
  • In the main method of your main class, create two Account objects and perform the following:
    • Initialize the first account objects with SAVING as the accountType and other parameters of your own choice.
    • Initialize the first account objects with CHECKING as the accountType and other parameters of your own choice.
    • Display both accounts.
    • Deposit $200 from the first account
    • Withdraw $500 from the second account
  • Display both accounts.
  • Run the main program to see if the tests were successful.
    • Here is a sample output of the program.

Account Type: SAVING

Account Owner: Customer B

Interest Rate: 1.1

Balance: 500.0


Account Type: CHECKING

Account Owner: Customer A

Interest Rate: 1.2

Balance: 200.0


Cannot withdraw more than account balance


Account Type: SAVING

Account Owner: Customer B

Interest Rate: 1.1

Balance: 700.0


Account Type: CHECKING

Account Owner: Customer A

Interest Rate: 1.2

Balance: 200.0


solution provided:

package csci1011.csci1011.lab8;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

class Account {
//create five variable
private ACCOUNT_TYPE aType;
private String accountOwner;
private double interestRate;
private double Balance;

//setter and getter methods
private ACCOUNT_TYPE getaType() {
return aType;

private void setaType(ACCOUNT_TYPE aType) {
this.aType = aType;

private String getAccountOwner() {
return accountOwner;

private void setAccountOwner(String accountOwner) {
this.accountOwner = accountOwner;

private double getInterestRate() {
return interestRate;

private void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {
this.interestRate = interestRate;

private double getBalance() {
return Balance;

private void setBalance(double Balance) {
this.Balance = Balance;
void initialize(ACCOUNT_TYPE atype,String name,double interestRate,double balance)
void display()
System.out.println(" Account Type : ";
System.out.println("Account Owner : "+getAccountOwner());
System.out.println("Interest Rate : "+getInterestRate());
System.out.println("Balance : "+getBalance());
//deposit to the account
void deposit(double amount)

double bal=getBalance();
System.out.println("Successfull Deposit ! ");
//withdraw from account
void withdraw(double amount)
//if balance is 0 or amount is greater than balance
if(getBalance()<=0 || amount>getBalance())
System.out.println("You don't have enough money to withdraw");
double bal=getBalance();
System.out.println("Successfully withdrawn ");

public static void main(String args[])
//two objects
Account ac=new Account();
Account ac1=new Account();
//initialize with Savings
ac.initialize(ACCOUNT_TYPE.SAVINGS, "Customer B ", 1.1, 500);
//initialize with Checking
ac1.initialize(ACCOUNT_TYPE.CHECKING, "Customer A ", 1.2, 200);
//deposit into account
//withdraw from account


Expert Solution

Two classes added.1.Account 2.Main

ACCOUNT_TYPE of Account is accessed in Main class by creating the object of Account class .

some enhancesment mades in methods for understanding display section.

Java code and screenshort of output shown below

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

class Account {
//create five variable
private ACCOUNT_TYPE aType;
private String accountOwner;
private double interestRate;
private double Balance;

//setter and getter methods
private ACCOUNT_TYPE getaType() {
return aType;

private void setaType(ACCOUNT_TYPE aType) {
this.aType = aType;

private String getAccountOwner() {
return accountOwner;

private void setAccountOwner(String accountOwner) {
this.accountOwner = accountOwner;

private double getInterestRate() {
return interestRate;

private void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {
this.interestRate = interestRate;

private double getBalance() {
return Balance;

private void setBalance(double Balance) {
this.Balance = Balance;
void initialize(ACCOUNT_TYPE atype,String name,double interestRate,double balance)
void display()
System.out.println(" Account Type : ";
System.out.println("Account Owner : "+getAccountOwner());
System.out.println("Interest Rate : "+getInterestRate());
System.out.println("Balance : "+getBalance());
//deposit to the account
void deposit(double amount)

double bal=getBalance();
System.out.println("$"+amount+" Successfull Deposit ! ");
//withdraw from account
void withdraw(double amount)
//if balance is 0 or amount is greater than balance
if(getBalance()<=0 || amount>getBalance())
System.out.println("You don't have enough money to withdraw");
double bal=getBalance();
System.out.println("Successfully withdrawn $"+amount);
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
//two objects
Account ac=new Account();
Account ac1=new Account();
//acess ACCOUNT_TYPE through object of class in another class
//initialize with Savings
ac.initialize(type1, "Customer A ", 1.1, 500);
//initialize with Checking
ac1.initialize(type2, "Customer B ", 1.2, 200);
System.out.println("First Account is:");
System.out.println("Second Account is:");
//deposit into account
//withdraw from account
System.out.println("First Account is:");
System.out.println("Second Account is:");


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