In: Biology
Biological organization is a hierarchy of complex biological structures and system .It is explained by Reductionist method ,it analyses a larger system by breaking it down into smaller parts and determining the connection between smaller parts . biological organisation can be broken down into different levels according to their level of complexity. In each level the complexity of life increses and a distinguishable property can be observed which is not present in the lower levels. It can be divided into the following levels
Molecular level : organism dont occour in isolated form, most smallest and fundamental unit of matter is the atom oxygen,carbon,nitrogen,phosphorous and sulphur are the most general atoms founds in biological organism. Atoms togather form molecules ,they are a group of two or more atoms bonded togather by chemical bonds . they can be micromolecule which have lower atomic weight eg: carbondioxide or macromolecule which are of higher atomic weight example of a macromolecule is deoxyribonuclic acid (DNA) which carry genetic information of an organism. Molecules can be of organic or inorganic nature organic molecules are those which contain carbon and oxygen while inorganic are the one which exclude carbon and oxygen
Cellular level : cells are the basic unit of structure and function of all living organism and composed of multiple cellular organells. Theses cellular organells include nucleus which holds the cells information in the form of DNA, Golgi apparatus it ships protein into cell membrane and outside of the cell ,Ribosomes are responsible for production of proteins, mitocondri are the power house of the cell, endoplasmic reticulam responsible for production of lipid cell membrane is important in protection of cells it is made up of lipids. all these organells work togather for proper functioning of the cell ,similar type of cell aggregate and interconnect to form tissue which perform same function.
Organisamal level : An organism can be defined as living things which is composed of various organs and organ system, An organism can be unicellular or mulicellular,
An organ is collection of tissue and similar structure which function as one.An organ system is an assotiation of different organ which function to perform a phyiological process each organ system in an organism work as distinctively they all function in co operation of one another to keep the organism alive.
Population Level: A population is a group of organism of same species which interact with one another in common envoirnment at a given time .the number of individuals in a population is highly dependent on the abundance of resources and the presence of favorable climate along with factors like predation and competition.