
In: Computer Science

In this exercise, you will test and debug a Future Value Program. The pseudocode of the...

In this exercise, you will test and debug a Future Value Program.

The pseudocode of the program is as follows:

Display user message

WHILE user wants to continue

          get monthly investment, yearly interest rate, and years

          convert yearly interest rate to monthly interest rate

          convert years to months

          set the future value to zero

          FOR each month

                    add monthly investment amount to future value

                    calculate interest for month

                    add interest to future value

          display future value

          ask if user wants to continue

Display end message

Test Plan




User entry for monthly_investment

Not a number

Error, program stops

User entry for yearly interest rate

Not a number

Error, program stops

User entry for number of years

Not a number

Error, program stops

User entry for monthly_investment

Not >0 and <=1000

Display a message accordingly, ask user to start over

User entry for yearly interest rate

Not >0 and <=15

Display a message accordingly, ask user to start over

User entry for number of years

Not >0 and <=50

Display a message accordingly, ask user to start over

User entry for a new calculation

Anything other than “y” or “Y”

Display “Bye!”

User entry for a new calculation


Start over

User entry for a new calculation


Start over

User entries are all valid

Enter 100 for Monthly investment, 12 for yearly_interest_rate, and 1 for years

Display future value which should be 1280.93.



  1. Open the file and review the code.  
  2. Thoroughly test the program. You may use the test plan as a guide, then note any inaccurate results that you discover during testing.
  3. Debug and fix errors. (Hint: total 5 errors). Each fixed error is worth 8 points.
  4. Test the program with the same data to be sure it works correctly.
  5. Add an in-line comment on each line where you found the errors.
  6. Upload your correct program with comments. Please simply upload the .py file, and do not upload a zipped file

(The source code in the

#!/usr/bin/env python3

choice = "y"
while choice == "y":
    # get monthly investment
    monthly_investment = float(input(f"Enter monthly investment (0-1000):\t"))
    if not(monthly_investment > 0 and monthly_investment <= 100):
        print(f"Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000. "
                "Please start over."))
    # get yearly interest rate
    yearly_interest_rate = float(input(f"Enter yearly interest rate (0-15):\t"))
    if not(yearly_interest_rate > 0 and yearly_interest_rate <= 15):
        print(f"Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 15. "
              "Please start over.")
    # get years
    years = int(input(f"Enter number of years (0-50):\t\t"))
    if not years > 0 or not years <= 15:
        print(f"Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 15. "
                "Please start over.")

     # convert yearly values to monthly values
    monthly_interest_rate = yearly_interest_rate / 12
    months = years * 12
    # calculate future value
    future_value = 0.0
    for i in range(1, months):
        future_value = monthly_investment
        monthly_interest = future_value * monthly_interest_rate
        future_value += monthly_interest

    # display future value
    print("Future value:\t\t\t" + str(round(future_value, 2)))

    # see if the user wants to continue
    choice = input("Continue? (y/n): ")



Expert Solution

choice = "y"
while choice in ["y","Y"] :#error for capital Y
    # get monthly investment
    monthly_investment = float(input("Enter monthly investment (0-1000):\t"))#error 1
    if not(monthly_investment > 0 and monthly_investment <= 100):
        print("Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000. "#error 2
                "Please start over.")#error 3
    # get yearly interest rate
    yearly_interest_rate = float(input("Enter yearly interest rate (0-15):\t")) #error 4
    if not(yearly_interest_rate > 0 and yearly_interest_rate <= 15):
        print("Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 15. ","Please start over.")#error 5
    # get years
    years = int(input("Enter number of years (0-50):\t\t"))#error 6
    if not years > 0 or not years <= 15:
        print("Entry must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 15. ","Please start over.")#error 7

     # convert yearly values to monthly values
    monthly_interest_rate = yearly_interest_rate / 12
    months = years * 12
    # calculate future value
    for i in range(months):
        monthly_interest = future_value * monthly_interest_rate/100 # error 8
        future_value += monthly_interest

    # display future value
    print("Future value:\t\t\t" + str(round(future_value, 2)))

    # see if the user wants to continue
    choice = input("Continue? (y/n): ")


In have fixed all the errors and commneted error where it was before and fixed it.
You may compare both the programs, new one and old one.

All the test cases have been checked multiple times and made sure evrything is working fine as provided in test plan.

I hope it helps.

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