
In: Biology

how does abiotic environment influences the ecosystem.

how does abiotic environment influences the ecosystem.


Expert Solution

Abiotic factors can affect organisms in more ways than I can list at the moment. One is through shelter, they provide habitats such as a rock that bugs can live under, or dirt and caves that animals can hibernate in the winter.

There is also the factors of water in the environment as well as sun which are both vital for survival. Abiotic sources also affect the traits that get past down that can eventually lead to species changes due to some characteristics being Favorited in an environment such as to camouflage to a rock.

Though there are positives there are negative such as chemicals in the air as well as pollution that can kill off organisms. This can lead to food web changes and due to a lack of one organism (hypothetically mice) would kill off organisms above it if they were dependent or even partially (such as an owl) to decrease and an increase of what ever is bellow it possibly allowing an over population

Four Main Abiotic Factors

Abiotic or non-living things contribute to the physical components of the environment such as water, soil, air, heat and light. They are continually subjected in different situations in the physical environment such as erosion, typhoons, volcanic events, ocean current and etc. It can cause extinction any type of organism as a threat and may cause alteration to form new species and hybrid as well.

1. Water - it is an essential part in the environment where organism can find their food, shelter, a way to escape from predator, and a place for marine life. Bodies of water act as "heat sink" to slow down the large temperature changes creating a more stable environment. The bodies of living things are almost made up of water, likewise, the earth is 70% water and 30% land. Helps in the process of photosynthesis and other cycles in nature…

2. Air - is a mixture of several gases; it is the second key abiotic factors that contribute to ecosystem, where birds can fly and seeds can be disperse. Air composes of different gases: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the remaining 1%contains mostly of hydrogen, carbon diode, water, helium, argon and krypton. They endlessly circulate where all life depends.

3. Soil - is the third major abiotic key for physical environment. Basic medium for land base ecosystem where plants grow in and some organism lives on it. Soil is a natural reservoir for the inorganic mineral elements such as iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. It also contains humus which is certainly come from human and decayed plants. Soil which contains more humus is support more plant and animal life. It affects countless organisms.

4. Heat - is the fourth abiotic major factors that affects physical environment. Most heat energy here on earth surface originates and come from the sun. The effect of heat are very obvious, tropical environment support different organism than cold environment. Temperature affects what kind of organism can live in a certain place

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