In: Physics
This is Physics 2, College Level: Someone answered wrong so take your time, do not rush to answer these questions. Explain how you got the answers.
A 1.00 F capacitor is charged to 6.00 V. The capacitor and an open switch is connected to a coil of wire that consists of 500 windings, which has a resistance of 1.20 Ω. This coil has a diameter of 5.00 cm and a length of 16.0 cm. A slightly smaller coil is placed inside the larger coil. The smaller coil is 2000 windings, 4.50 cm in diameter, and 16 cm long. This smaller coil has a resistance of 8.00 Ω. At t = 0 s the open switch is closed and the capacitor begins discharging through the larger coil. This leads to a changing voltage, current, magnetic field, and magnetic flux in the outer coil, which induces an Emf in the inner coil. Find the following quantities.
What will be the maximum value of the magnetic field inside the outer coil? Bmax = ________micro Tesla (mT)
What will be the maximum induced emf across the inner coil? Vmax = _________micro Volts(mV).
What will be the induced emf across the inner coil 1.00 s after the switch is closed? Vmax = _________micro Volts(mV).
1) As we know that when a capacitor discharges across a
resistance in series with it the Voltage across the circuit can be
given by
Now as we know that maximum voltage is V
so V_{o}= 6
and the resistance of the circuit i,e soleniod is 1.2 ohms
and capacitance is 1.0 F
Now magnetic field inside the outer coil will be given
Now magnetic field will be maximum when current through coil is maximum
curent through the ciruit will be given by
Now i will be maximum when t=0
I _{maximum}=5
By calculation
B=19625 microTesla
2) Note that the EMF inducced will be due to mutual inductance of the the coils and the rate of change of the current
by calculation mutual inductance will be given a by
M=12.47 mH
Now di/dt will be given by
Emf will be
now emf will be max when di/dt will be max
Emf(max)=7799 micro Volts
31) similarly for emf after 1 seconds
we have to just calculate the di/dt after 1 second
which will be equal to
di/dt(1 second)=2.7292
Emf(1 second) 3471 micro Volts