In: Nursing
what is the difference between reporting, responding, and ultimately preventing child abuse on the part of nursing educators.
#. Nursing educator responsibilities
1. Reporting suspected or actual abuse- nurses are required by law to report suspected or actual abuse or could be held responsible legally- good samaritian law- can not be sued for reporting
2. Identifying infant and children who have been abused and document findings
#. Preventing abuse- Education
-Preventing abuse through education and identifying parents at risk for abusing their children, high risk situation, vulnerable children
-Growth and development- to have realistic expectations
-Family life/responsibilities: home economics, pretend relationships/marriages, pretend babies, prenatal classes, parenting classes
#. Responding :-
-Once reported, child protective services will become involved.
-Depending on situation, child will be placed in custody of another family member or foster care
-Abuser- arrested/prosecuted
-Counseling for parent
Psychosocial needs of child
-Approach child slowly, bc immediate touching may frighten him
-On the other hand, some children may be very clingy to staff
-Provide consistent carevigers
-Meet needs as quickly as possible
-Provide opportunities to express his feelings- through doll play, puppets
-Set limits- sometimes, in an effort to be kind, limits may not be set
Psychosocial needs of parents
-Helpful to think of them as victims, people with problems
-Understand the behavior, let them know that they are accepted, but their violent behavior is unacceptable
-Encourage parents to visit and participate in the child's care (if allowed)
-Praise them for the things they do well
-Show them how to do things properly
-Discuss normal growth and development, how to discipline child
-Provide safety education