
In: Computer Science

Create a program that accepts in a string of 2 or more words. The program then...

Create a program that accepts in a string of 2 or more words. The program then copies the entered string changing the alpha characters into digits representing characters with acsenders, descenders and nonascender/desender characters; uppercase characters should be treated as lower case. The characters with descenders (gjpqy) should be replaced with a 1. The characters with ascenders (dbfhklt) should be replaced with a 2. The rest of the alpha characters should be replaced with a 3. The converted string should then be displayed. The program should also prompt the user if they would like to enter another string. If they answer y or Y, loop back to the beginning of the program. If they answer n or N, exit the program. All user input should be validated. The word string should have at least one space in it. The Yes or No input must be y, Y, n or N. Do not create an SDM for this lab.

Output Layout:

Please enter a string of at least 2 words: Fred

Please enter a string of at least 2 words: Garrett Phelps

Garrett Phelps

1333322 123213

Would you like to enter another string (y or n): q

Would you like to enter another string (y or n): y

Please enter a string of at least 2 words: I'm Doug

I'm Doug

3'3 2331

Would you like to enter another string (y or n): n


8. Other:

Try replacing the "123" as shown below

'1' can use static_cast(220) '2' can use static_cast(223) '3' can use static_cast(254)

in C++


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

bool twoWord(string str);

string changer(string str);


                string str1 , str2;

                char c ;



                                                cout<<"Please enter a string of atleast 2 words:"<<endl;


                                                cout<<changer(str1)<<" "<<changer(str2)<<endl;



                                cout<<"would you like to enter another string(y or n)"<<endl; //asking if a user wants to convert more strings.


                                if(c == 'n' || c == 'N'){







bool twoWord(string str){ //checking if the words in string are atleast 2.

                for(inti = 0 ; i<str.size() ; i++){

                                if(str[i] == ' '){

                                                return true;



                return false;


string changer(string str){// changing string of with accenders and descenders.

                for(inti = 0 ; i<str.size() ; i++){

                                if(str[i] >= 'A' &&str[i] <= 'z' ){

                                                if(str[i] == 'g' || str[i] == 'j' || str[i] == 'p' || str[i] == 'q' || str[i] == 'y'){

                                                                str[i] = '1';


                                                else if(str[i] == 'd' || str[i] == 'b' || str[i] == 'f' || str[i] == 'h' || str[i] == 'k' || str[i] == 'l'|| str[i] == 't' ){

                                                                str[i] = '2';


                                                else {





                return str;




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