
In: Nursing

health comunication Q 1. Describe ways the provider can assess and enhance health literacy among patients....

health comunication

Q 1. Describe ways the provider can assess and enhance health literacy among patients.

Q 2. Describe how to deal with shame related to low literacy in interactions with patients.

Q 3.Describe specific ways systems of care might deter or promote health literacy.


Expert Solution

1.Some of the ways the provider can assess and enhance health literacy among patients are

  • Communicate in simple language to explain so thst they can understand
  • Encourage the client to ask question,this can help to rectify any queries and doubts
  • Open ended questions will be helpful to assess patient for willingness abd ability to converse
  • Enquire about the education status to assess the literact rate in simple
  • Use photonovela to communicate with low literacy patient
  • Communication material can be provided in printed form to enhance their understanding
  • Audiovisual aides can be provided

2.Some of the ways to deal with shame related low literacy patient are

  • Treat them with respect and dignity irrespective of literacy .Thus can help them to feel confidence to speak out
  • Raise questions which can make the patient to communicate fir answering
  • Use verbal and non verbal communication form
  • Avoid mannerisms,odd gestures ,facial expressions,etc.,These act can make the patient feel more shameful
  • Do not make patient to read ,rather healthcare professionals should read themselves and explain it one by one for understanding

3.Some of the ways the system can deter the or promote health literacy are

  • It can promote by having a translator in case of language barrier.
  • A system can deter if it has every procedures in technical form.In this place manual help and procedures should also be done.

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