In: Computer Science
Design ALU 64 bit, Control Unit 64 bit and 64 bit Data path. Show how three of them related to each other.
aA datapath is a collection of functional units such as arithmetic logic units or multipilers that perform data processing operations. registers and buses. along with the control unit it composes the central processing unit. A larger datapath can be made by joining more than one number of datapaths using multipiexer.The ALU is a digital circuit that provides arithemetic and logic operation. it is the fundamental building block of central processing unit of computer. a modern cpu has very powerful ALU and it is complex in design. ALU modern cpu contains control unit and set of registers. most of the operations are performed by one or more ALU which load data from input register. register are a small amout of storage available to cpu. these registers can be accessed very fast. the control unit ALU operation to perform on the available data. after calculation manipulation the ALU store the output register.cpu can divide into data section and control section. Data section is also known as datapath.
processor (CPU) is the active part of the computer which does all manipulation and decision making. Datapath is the hardware that perform all the required operations, example ALU, register, and internal buses,Control is the hardware that tell the datapath to do, in term of switching , operation selection, data movement between ALU components.ALU perform inupt output data stored in the register file. while the control unit sends control signals in conjuction with the register file.