
In: Accounting

You have been appointed as the new management accountant to manage the transition of the existing...

You have been appointed as the new management accountant to manage the transition of the existing Adelaide Royal Hospital to the proposed new site at Bukit Merah. The hospital has several separate departments responsible for direct patient care. Such as Accident and Emergency, Intensive Care, Neurology, and Cardiology, as well as several support departments such as Radiology and Patient Records. You are a little uncertain as to what your role will be in the new hospital, as consultants have been engaged to design the new management accounting systems. You thought that as a management accountant you would be responsible for developing a new system!


(a). Write a report to senior management explaining how you, as the management accountant, may contribute to the design and operation of the new management accounting systems for the new hospital.

(b). Outline the types of management accounting information that you believe senior managers may require on a regular basis (i.e., weekly and monthly) to manage the operations of the new hospital. Consider both financial and nonfinancial information


Expert Solution

Requirement 1

As the new management accountant, I am eager to be associated with the outline and activity of the new administration bookkeeping frameworks for the clinic. My preparation as an administration bookkeeper gives me the abilities to help plan these frameworks and to guarantee that they address the issues of the business. I have a decent learning of key arranging and all around created abilities in data frameworks and bookkeeping frameworks plan.

A great part of the data expected to work the administration bookkeeping frameworks will draw on the current exchange based bookkeeping framework. As a bookkeeper, I am in a decent position to inform on the sorts with respect to information that might be utilized as a part of costing administrations and offices. What's more, the administration bookkeeping framework will give a scope of anticipated data, for example, departmental spending plans, and non-budgetary data, for example, operational execution measures (as depicted in requirement 2 below).When experts are locked in to outline the new frameworks, it is vital that there are directors inside the healing facility who are engaged with the outline stage, to guarantee that the activity of the new frameworks continues easily. Administration bookkeeping staff are the most proper staff to partake and regulate the task of the frameworks on a progressing premise.

Requirement 2

There are many different types of information that may be required weekly or monthly by senior managers as the hospital consists of many different ‘businesses’. Some examples are as follows:

Mischance and crisis: number of patients treated, normal length of stay, number of referrals to advisor, charging rate, Medicare income, private protection income, hole income, therapeutic supply costs, normal cost per bed, normal cost per understanding

Escalated mind: bed inhabitance rate, number of patients treated, normal length of stay, number of patients unfit to be obliged and exchanged because of absence of beds, serious care nursing hours, number of episode reports, charging rate, Medicare income, private protection income, hole income, restorative supply costs, kitchen costs, normal cost per bed, normal cost per understanding

Neurology: number of patients on holding up list, bed inhabitance rate, number of patients treated, normal length of stay, charging rate, Medicare income, private protection income, hole income, kitchen costs, medicinal supply costs, normal cost per bed, normal cost per understanding

Cardiology: number of patients on holding up list, bed inhabitance rate, number of patients treated, normal length of stay, charging rate, Medicare income, private protection income, hole income, kitchen costs, medicinal supply costs, nursing costs, normal cost per bed, normal cost per persistent

Radiology: number of x-beams amid period, number of radiology staff hours amid period, number of referrals per specialist, charging rates, Medicare income, private protection income, hole income, restorative supply costs, nursing costs, normal cost per tolerant

Quiet records: number of new records, number of patient sections prepared, staffing cost

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