In: Accounting
Facts of the Case-
City of Providence officials considering in reducing the education budget and instituting an income tax for the City of Providence to mitigate the financial pressures facing the city.
Reduction in the Education Budget-
The Officials are of the view that the reduction in the education budget may mitigate there financials issues. However, likewise the coin has two sides of it, there are both disadvantages and advantages in doing so.
Let us discuss in Brief- .
Teachers and the Educational Institutes will come out with more innovative, cost effective and environmental methods of teaching like-
Instituiting Income tax-
By insituiting of income tax the officials will be able to make good amount of revenue, however care should be taken to not let people evade the taxes
It is not advisable to cut the educatinal budget in the first instance, although it may effect the current suituation educating the children will show a glorious future to the city in making increasing returns to the investment made now
Also, it is advisable to bring indirect taxes into force as the chances of tax evasion are remote in this case