In: Statistics and Probability
Part 2: Discussion
Step 1: Post on the discussion forum.
For example, I might post:
I have noticed more gray hairs on my head in the last few years, and I wonder if the proportion is over 10%.
p = the proportion of my hairs that are gray
To test this, I removed all the hair from a 1in2 section of my scalp that I chose at random (a cluster sample) and counted a total of 699 hairs, of which 55 were gray.
(You don’t need to detail your sampling method, but you can if you want to.) (Also, I did not really do that.)
Step 2: Reply to someone’s post:
I have noticed the past few weeks that more stores have toilet
paper in stock all the time now and I want to know if the
proportion of stores in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas
counties that have toilet paper in stock is over 65%. I visited 113
stores and found that 79 of them had toilet paper in stock.
I am trying my level best to answer the question:
Step 1:
p=the proportion of my hair that are grey.
Given that 55 out of 699 hairs are grey.
Aim: To assess whether I wonder if the proportion is over 10%.
ie we need to test the null hypotehsis:
Test statistic:
We shall be applying an Z test to test the null hypothesis.
is the
hypothesized value.
Calculated Value:
Conclusion: Since the calculated value doesn't fall in the critical region(also p-value>0.05), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Hence we conclude that theer is not enough evidence for the claim that the proportion of grey hair is more than 10%.
Toilet paper:
Situation: More stores have toilet paper in stock all the time now and I want to know if the proportion of stores in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties that have toilet paper in stock is over 65%.
Here I wanted to check this out and I visited 113 stores and found that 79 of them had toilet paper in stock
That is 79 out of 113 stores or a proportion of
stores have toilet paper in stock.
Here I wanted to test the hypotehsis that
"In Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties that have toilet paper in stock is over 65%." Accordingly, I wanted to test the hypothesis:
Test statistic:
We shall be applying an Z test to test the null hypothesis.
is the
hypothesized value.
Since the p-value is >0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: Since the null hypothesis is not rejected, there is not enough evidence in my claim of the proportion of stores in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties that have toilet paper in stock is over 65%.