
In: Computer Science

**CODED IN C LANGUAGE** Case 1: The given snapshot in the assignment instructions checks for the...


Case 1: The given snapshot in the assignment instructions checks for the following:

  • P to be switched with Q (Once done will remain as it is in all the rows)
  • If the user enters the same P again, the program must not make any changes

For instance, given elements are 0123456789

3 4          0              0124456789

2 5          1              0154456789 (Keeping the change in Row 0 (input for row 1); 2 is switched to 5)

1 6          2              0654456789 (Keeping the change in row1 (input for row 2); 1 has been replaced with 6)

This implies that for every other row, the input array elements get changed to its previous row elements.


Expert Solution

// A C++ program to print elements with count more than n/k 
using namespace std; 

// A structure to store an element and its current count 
struct eleCount 
        int e; // Element 
        int c; // Count 

// Prints elements with more than n/k occurrences in arr[] of 
// size n. If there are no such elements, then it prints nothing. 
void moreThanNdK(int arr[], int n, int k) 
        // k must be greater than 1 to get some output 
        if (k < 2) 

        /* Step 1: Create a temporary array (contains element 
        and count) of size k-1. Initialize count of all 
        elements as 0 */
        struct eleCount temp[k-1]; 
        for (int i=0; i<k-1; i++) 
                temp[i].c = 0; 

        /* Step 2: Process all elements of input array */
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
                int j; 

                /* If arr[i] is already present in 
                the element count array, then increment its count */
                for (j=0; j<k-1; j++) 
                        if (temp[j].e == arr[i]) 
                                temp[j].c += 1; 

                /* If arr[i] is not present in temp[] */
                if (j == k-1) 
                        int l; 
                        /* If there is position available in temp[], then place 
                        arr[i] in the first available position and set count as 1*/
                        for (l=0; l<k-1; l++) 
                                if (temp[l].c == 0) 
                                        temp[l].e = arr[i]; 
                                        temp[l].c = 1; 

                        /* If all the position in the temp[] are filled, then 
                        decrease count of every element by 1 */
                        if (l == k-1) 
                                for (l=0; l<k; l++) 
                                        temp[l].c -= 1; 

        /*Step 3: Check actual counts of potential candidates in temp[]*/
        for (int i=0; i<k-1; i++) 
                // Calculate actual count of elements 
                int ac = 0; // actual count 
                for (int j=0; j<n; j++) 
                        if (arr[j] == temp[i].e) 

                // If actual count is more than n/k, then print it 
                if (ac > n/k) 
                cout << "Number:" << temp[i].e 
                                << " Count:" << ac << endl; 

/* Driver program to test above function */
int main() 
        cout << "First Test\n"; 
        int arr1[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 4}; 
        int size = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]); 
        int k = 3; 
        moreThanNdK(arr1, size, k); 

        cout << "\nSecond Test\n"; 
        int arr2[] = {4, 2, 2, 7}; 
        size = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]); 
        k = 3; 
        moreThanNdK(arr2, size, k); 

        cout << "\nThird Test\n"; 
        int arr3[] = {2, 7, 2}; 
        size = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]); 
        k = 2; 
        moreThanNdK(arr3, size, k); 

        cout << "\nFourth Test\n"; 
        int arr4[] = {2, 3, 3, 2}; 
        size = sizeof(arr4)/sizeof(arr4[0]); 
        k = 3; 
        moreThanNdK(arr4, size, k); 

        return 0; 

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