In: Psychology
Socio-economic status (SES) and school achievement in middle childhood
Socio-economic status includes occupation,education,income of head of household, or of both parents.The studies reveals that higher the socio-economic status of family ,the more likely the child to high achievement at academics.The higher socio-economic status is helpful in obtaining better facilities for children,also the educational level of parents play an important role.
Parental practices
Parental involvement in children's education has an important role in school achievement in middle childhood.Those children whose parents involve more in educational activities of their performs well academically. Warm and supporting environment enhances the school achievement .The involvement of parents include , supervision of learning at home,self coaching or aiding other guides to groom their children, encouraging children to read aloud etc. Such parental practices aid good learning outcomes.
Peer acceptance
During the middle childhood children gain more sense of Independence,their relations grow beyond their family.The peer acceptance during these crucial years play an important role both academically and personally in child's life.Peer gains importance at this stage of development.Low peer acceptance is associated with school avoidance and less achievement during these years.