In: Economics
Please show me your thought process. Please explain it as if you are telling it to someone who has no clue about economics.
Answer: Long run average cost curve : in long run all firms have variable inputs and there is a minimum cost of producing each level of output.
First let's understand the short run Averege cost SRAC . In short run a firm can operate in any SAC with given size of plant. But in long run,a firm will examine each SAC to find the curve with minimum cost producing a given level of output.
If a firm has a set of choice of varing a plant infinitely which leads to infinite averege cost curve. In that case, smooth curve which is envolving all these SRAC curve is a long run average cost curve .
Every point on Long run average cost curve is tangent to short run averege cost curve.
LRAC curve will not be tangent to minimum of SRAC . It will be tangent to falling part of AC when it is decling .
And LRAC is tangent to rising part of AC when it is rising
It has U shaped
Reason for U shaped curve : 1 .this shape is totally depends on return to scale. When output will increase or firm expands, return to scale will increase.
2. LRAC curve has a negative relation with return to scale.
*When LRAC is decling, return to scale will increase OR economics of scale will increase because of internal and external economics of scale .
* when LRAC is increasing ,returns to scale or economics of scale will decrease and we get dis economies of scale that's means negative return. Cost is higher than output .