
In: Biology

1. Where are they found? 2. What is the name for the reproductive structure?

Kingdoms Bacteria, Protista, and Fungi 

Fungus Presentations 

Phylum Chytridiomycota

 1. Where are they found? 

 2. What is the name for the reproductive structure? 

Drawing of the reproductive structure:

 3. How do they get their food?

 4. Some common examples of these fungi are:


Expert Solution

Answer :1- C h y t r i dio m y c ot a, a phylum of fungi (kingdom Fungi) distinguished by having zoos pores (motile cells) with a single, posterior, whiplash structure (flagellum). Species are microscopic in size, and most are found in freshwater or wet soils. Most are parasites of algae and animals or live on organic debris (as s a probes).

Answer :2-Name for the reproductive structure is zoos pore. C hy t r id io my cot a, a phylum of fungi (kingdom Fungi) distinguished by having zoos pores (motile cells) with a single, posterior, whiplash structure (flagellum). Species are microscopic in size, and most are found in freshwater or wet soils. Most are parasites of algae and animals or live on organic debris (as s a probes).

: C h y t r idiom y cot a (commonly known as C h y t rids) are s a p h r otr op h s, and have chitin cell walls and a posterior whiplash flagellum. C hy t r I dio m y Co ta reproduce with zoos pores that are capable of active movement through aqueous phases.



ANSWER 3-They get their food by the decaying organisms.

C h y t r i dio my Co ta feed on both living and decaying organisms. They are heterotrophic. Asexually, C h y t r i dio m y co ta reproduce through the use of zoos pores. In asexual reproduction, zoos pores will swim until a desire ea b l e substrate is located.

Answer :4 - some common examples of these fungi are :-

Examples of Bacteria. Bacteria are the plural of bacterium, which are microscopic one-celled organisms. They are found everywhere and can be harmful, as in infections; or they can be beneficial, as in fermentation or decomposition. Five types of bacteria are: Coccus, Bacillus, s p i r i l lum

Examples of protists include algae, amoebas, euglena, plasmodium, and slime molds.

However, there are many common examples of fungi. Yeasts are one example.Mushrooms and truffles are examples of fungi that are sometimes edible, the latter being highly prized in haute cuisine internationally. Molds are fungi that grow on foods over time, causing them to spoil.

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