
In: Biology

Once researchers learn about some aspect of cancer or its treatment, clinical trials are needed to...

Once researchers learn about some aspect of cancer or its treatment, clinical trials are needed to test out any proposed use in humans. What are some of the kinds of clinical trials going on for cancer? Go to the National Cancer Institute's website and look at their web page with the title Search for Clinical Trials. Select a form of cancer and look for clinical trials near you. Pick one of the trials that is currently open to new participants. Explain who is participating and what is the trial testing, Who is excluded from participation? What phase of trial is this study and what are they mainly trying to find out?


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Today clinical trials are very important for any diseases,especially cancer . Nowadays people live longer even though they detected cancer. This is due to the past clinical trials...

Clinical trials are long term process inside the lab, and through clinical trials doctors determine the current medicine is purely working than the past . It has some protocols for the clinical trials, ie, the principal investigator make plan for clinical trials, that is called protocol.

Dosage of giving drugs to cancer

who can joins for clinical trial

what are the medical tests are given for that

how many of can join for trial and what is eligibility


1.It is improving immunotherapy for breast cancer

2.Two radiation therapy for preventing breast cancer

these are some ongoing clinical trials for breast cancer

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