
In: Economics

African-American history is filled with many cruel ironies. Following the Civil War, thousands of skilled Black tradesmen were forced to abandon finely honed skills to become servants.

Summarize the paragraph

African-American history is filled with many cruel ironies. Following the Civil War, thousands of skilled Black tradesmen were forced to abandon finely honed skills to become servants. During slavery, many Blacks worked at crafts and became masters. Entire families of slaves were engaged in highly skilled trades, one genera- tion after another. Beyond farm labor, male Blacks were trained as ironworkers, carpenters, wheelwrights, coopers, tanners, shoemak- ers, and bakers. As for female slaves, they were capable of far more than household chores. Many were skilled at sewing, spinning, weaving, dressmaking, pottery, nursing, and midwifery. Upon eman- cipation, Black artisans became a threat to White workers.


Expert Solution

The African-American community has seen many cruel days. The cruelty that was done mostly by whites turned against them as under the slavery the black males, as well as females, were engaged in such a work that provided them with relevant skills. The paragraph summarises those skills. The Black African-American community which was slaved became a threat to the white workers because the skills they learnt while being their servants.

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