In: Electrical Engineering
l. what is the difference between a real independent voltage source and an ideal independent voltage source? Give an example of a real voltage source and explain how it differs from the ideal.
2. What does it mean when we say that a circuit containing multiple sources is invalid?Give an example of such a circuit and explain why it is invalid.
3. What is resistance? What is a node? What is a closed loop?
4. Write the equations for Ohm's law and for Kirchoff s two laws.
5. Explain how one can distinguish between two circuit elements which are connected inseries verses two circuit elements which are connected in parallel.
6. If the two headlights of a car each dissipate 55W and each of them are connected to the two terminals of a 12V bafiery, draw an electric circtrit diagram which can model this headlight circuit and find the resistance of each headlight when it is turned on. Find the total current coming from the battery. If the battery is rated at 65 A-hr, how long will the headlights continue to burn before the battery is dead? Show all calculations.