In: Accounting
You are a CIMA (Chartered Institute ofManagement Accountants) student employed as a company secretary for a small family owned limited company. The board is made up of family members, with only one family member holding an executive position as MD. There are some disagreements within the family regarding the will of the recently deceased chair of the board, the mother of the family. The board have twice voted to pay pension contributions to one of the members of the family on the board as non-executive director, a brother of the MD, and this has been approved by majority in meeting. However, you have since been advised by the MD not to make the payment.What would you do?
answer the above question and back up your answer with logical reasoning. Include a comment to EACH of the 5 critical pieces of ethics (INTEGRITY, OBJECTIVITY, PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE, CONFIDENTIALITY and PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIO);how they would be disregarded, and what would make it right? Minimum of 250 words is required.
As the issue have already been approved by the board, this situation risks putting you in a position where you fail to comply with company regulation and your professional standards. To resolve this issue you need to be honest and straightforward towards all parties involved. Make sure to act professionally, and not to let family issues influence your judgment.