
In: Physics

Steven says that the period T of an object on a spring is depends on the...

Steven says that the period T of an object on a spring is depends on the mass m of the object and the spring constant k of the spring in the following way: T=2π k m ​  . Jessica says that the period T of an object on a spring is depends on the mass m of the object and the spring constant k of the spring in the following way: T=2π k m ​ ​  .

1.What are two different ways you can test and which of the two mathematical models above is correct? Note: the one spring has a spring constant that is twice as big as the other. Once you've done brainstorming, describe your two experiments in detail in the text box below.

Hint: Make sure you address the following points in your discussion: a. What are the mathematical models you're testing? b. What quantities can you vary or change to test the two models? c. What quantities will you measure and how will you measure them?

2.For each of your experiments, describe the 2 predicted outcomes of the experiment based on the 2 mathematical models that you're testing. Include a discussion of any simplifying assumptions about the experiment that you're making in making each prediction. Hint: a. A prediction should be based on the model being tested. One experiment needs 2 predictions because you're testing two competing models. b. An assumption is an experimental factor that you're choosing to ignore in applying the mathematical model to make a prediction. 3.Discuss:

3.What is/are the source(s) of experimental uncertainty in each of your experiments? How will you minimize these uncertainties in your experimental design? For EACH experiment: If you are using measured quantities to make a prediction, estimate the uncertainty in your predicted quantity using the weakest link rule.


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