
In: Nursing

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an adult: Performance Standard Rationale...

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an adult:

Performance Standard


Assess and Activation: Scene safety


-pause and look at the person and the scene before responding

ASSESSES: Checks for responsiveness, pulse and breathing (or no breathing, abnormal breathing, or only gasping) at least 5 seconds no more than 10 seconds.

ACTIVATES emergency response system and send someone to get the AED

GIVES HIGH-QUALITY CPR: starts with compressions

  • Hand Placement
  • Adequate Rate (100 to 120/minute)
  • Adequate Depth (2 inches)
  • Allows Complete Chest Recoil
  • Minimizes Interruptions in compressions


Opening airway (head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust)

Gives 2 breaths with mask over 1 second each, watching for visible chest rise.

When do I use these methods?

AFTER 5 CYCLES of 30:2 check pulse.* If no pulse, continue 30:2 cycle beginning with chest compressions.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an child

Performance Standard


Assess and Activation: Scene safety

ASSESSES: Checks for responsiveness, pulse and breathing (or no breathing, abnormal breathing, or only gasping) at least 5 seconds no more than 10 seconds.

When do you leave a child who has suddenly collapsed and you are alone?

ACTIVATES: If person responds, send to activate emergency response system and return with AED. If you did not witness the arrest and are alone with no one to call 911, perform 5 cycles of CPR before leaving the child to get help.


If you do not feel a pulse or it is less than 60 beats per minutes with signs of poor perfusion in a child or infant, begin CPR starting with Compressions:

GIVES HIGH-QUALITY CPR: starts with compressions

  • Hand Placement (using the palm of one hand)
  • Adequate Rate (100 to 120/Minute)
  • Adequate Depth (2 inches)
  • Allows Complete Chest Recoil

Minimizes Interruptions in compressions < 10 sec


Opening airway (head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust)

Gives 2 breaths with mask over 1 second each, watching for visible chest rise.

When do I use these methods?

AFTER 5 CYCLES of 30:2 check pulse.* If no pulse, continue 30:2 cycle beginning with chest compressions.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an infant

Assess and Activation: Scene safety

ASSESSES: Checks for responsiveness, pulse* and breathing (or no breathing, abnormal breathing, or only gasping) at least 5 seconds no more than 10 seconds.

*Brachial Pulse for an Infant

ACTIVATES: If person responds, send to activate emergency response system and return with AED. If you did not witness the arrest and are alone with no one to call 911, perform 5 cycles of CPR before leaving the child to get help.

If you do not feel a pulse or it is less than 60 beats per minutes with signs of poor perfusion in a child or infant, begin CPR starting with Compressions:

GIVES HIGH-QUALITY CPR: starts with compressions

  • Hand Placement (using 2 fingers)
  • Adequate Rate (100 to 120/Minute)
  • Adequate Depth (1.5 inches)
  • Allows Complete Chest Recoil
  • Minimizes Interruptions in compressions < 10 sec

Describe land mark?

Opening airway (head tilt-chin lift)

Gives 2 breaths with mask over 1 second each, watching for visible chest rise.

AFTER 5 CYCLES of 30:2 check pulse.* If no pulse, continue 30:2 cycle beginning with chest compressions.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for ADULT TWO RESCUER CPR WITH AED/AMBU BAG

Points Possible

Performance Standard


AsseAssess and Activation: ScenScene safety

ASSESSES: Checks for responsiveness, pulse and breathing (or no breathing, abnormal breathing, or only gasping) at least 5 seconds no more than 10 seconds.

ACTIVATES: Send rescuer 2 to activate the emergency response system and to get the AED

GIVES HIGH-QUALITY CPR: starts with compressions

  • Hand Placement
  • Adequate Rate (100 to 120/minute)
  • Adequate Depth (2 inches)
  • Allows Complete Chest Recoil

Minimizes Interruptions in compressions

Does first rescuer remove clothing?

Opening airway (head tilt-chin lift or jaw thrust)

Gives 2 breaths with mask over 1 second each, watching for visible chest rise.


Returns to patient after calling 911 and brings the AED

Places AED at the victim’s (side) head area.

Power on the AED ( follow device instructions)

Attach pads around rescuer 1 performing CPR

What are Child pads, and when do we use them?

Can we use adult pads on a child?

Clear patient and allow AED to check heart rhythm.

If shock is advised clear the patient (“I’m clear, you’re clear, we’re all clear”) and administer shock. Immediately resume CPR (beginning with compressions then breaths) immediately after delivering shock

After 5 cycles or about 2 minutes of CPR, the AED will prompt you to repeat steps. Switch compressors every 2 minutes


Expert Solution

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an adult:

Land mark of CPR

The site of compression should be at the centre of the chest/lower half of the sternum.

When do I use these methods?

While the head-tilt/chin-lift is the preferred method, it can be dangerous to use on a patient who may have a cervical spine injury. So the jaw-thrust maneuver is used. It allows to clear the tongue from the airway with minimal neck movement, allowing rescue breaths to be administered.

The head-tilt/chin-lift is a procedure used to prevent the tongue obstructing the upper airways. The jaw-thrust maneuver is often used on patients with cervical neck problems or suspected cervical spine injury. The maneuver is used on a supine patient.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an child

When do you leave a child who has suddenly collapsed and you are alone?

Verify scene safety. If encounter a potential cardiac arrest victim, first make sure the scene is safe for both the rescuer and the victim and check responsiveness. Assess for breathing and pulse. In a child, palpate a carotid or femoral pulse. It’s important to minimize delay in starting CPR, so take no more than 10 seconds to assess the patient.


Picture a line connecting the nipples, and place two fingers on the baby's breastbone just below that line. Use just your two fingers to press the chest at least one-third of the depth of the baby's chest [about 4 cm (1.5 in.)].


The rate of compression to rescue breaths changes during child CPR when two responders are present. Instead of performing 30 compressions to two rescue breaths, reduce the number of compressions to 15 for every two rescue breaths.

One responder assess the scene and patient , other can get equipment ready to perform CPR

When do I use these methods?

It is done to achieve upper airway patency. A child's airway is usually best maintained by leaving the head in a more neutral position than that described for an adult.

The patient's airway is opened by performing a head tilt–chin lift or a jaw thrust. These maneuvers will thereby displace the mandible anteriorly, lifting the tongue and epiglottis away from the glottic opening.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for an infant

Describe land mark?

Place 2 fingers in the center of the infant's chest, just below the nipple line. Push down on the infant's chest one-third the depth of the chest, or approximately 1 ½ inches. Allow the chest to fully recoil (return to its neutral position) in between compressions.

Explain the reason for each Performance Standard of first aid for ADULT TWO RESCUER CPR WITH AED/AMBU BAG

Does first rescuer remove clothing?

One responder can quickly remove clothing from the front of the chest if it.

What are Child pads, and when do we use them?

Pediatric pads should be used if the person is less than eight years old. For infants less than a year old, a manual defibrillator should be used if available.

Can we use adult pads on a child?

Standard (adult) pads may be used if pediatric pads are not available. If using standard (adult) pads, do not let the pads touch.

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