
In: Economics

1. Apparently, at least some researchers doubt that the world is already "flat." Some claim that...

1. Apparently, at least some researchers doubt that the world is already "flat." Some claim that the world is not even closely as globalized as most people believe it is. What evidence do the proponents of the "the world is not flat (yet)" use? Present at least 5 key statistics that show that the world is not as interconnected and globalized as many believe it is. Most of the information you can get from the video assigned for this week. However, you may also consider finding additional statistics (optional) online. If you use external sources, please make certain to cite them (in most cases, providing URLs will be sufficient).

2. So what? If the world is not as "flat" (not as interconnected), what does it mean for business?

That is, everyone's talking about globalization and the new rules of doing business. Yet, people still seem to be live very much in their own small worlds and hardly ever reach out beyond their national borders. Why should we care? Who should care? What advice would you give to a business manager based on the evidence presented in question 1?


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answer 1

The differences in economic conditions, political stability, social welfare and foreign trade etc. among countries are used as an evidence to show that the world is not flat  

Globalization meaning connecting home economy with foreign economies through foreign trade, currency exchange etc. Globalisation has interconnected world economies with each other which help economies to exchange their technologies, human resources, goods and services etc. it has make economies stronger than before. But it is limited to few countries and has some drawbacks also, as many statistics shows that the world is not as connected and globalized as many believe it is. The key statistics are as follows:

  1. Increasing foreign trade gap between developed, developing and underdeveloped countries: the foreign trade mostly take place between developed and developing countries
  2. Countries participation in global affairs : it shows how much the countries are connected to each others
  3. Difference in economic conditions of the countries : the different GDP rate of the countries also shows the less connection among countries
  4. Technological development and modernization: the different rate of use of modern techniques shows the misconnection among countries
  5. Use of human resource : the better and efficient use of human resource is also different in countries

answer 2

. if the world is not as “flat” (not as interconnected), it does affect the business as:

  • It reduces the expansion of business and its growth in foreign countries
  • Reduces exchange of new technologies which affects the cost of production and reduces profit margins of a business
  • Businesses can’t collaborate with companies outside the country
  • Businesses can earn huge benefit by expending their business outside their country.

Globalisation have so many positive impact on our economic growth as it increases employment, provided commodities at low prices, benefit from foreign trade etc. so we should care about the interconnection among countries.

Government, businessman etc. should care about it. We would advice business manager to increase the interconnection across border to expend their business and earn more profits which will eventually benefit the economy of our country.     

*providing external sources and links is not allowed

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