
In: Biology

85. A 25-year-old man is a resident of a small town near London. He likes to...

85. A 25-year-old man is a resident of a small town near London. He likes to eat beefsteak. He develops

      a severe progressive neurologic disease characterized by psychiatric symptoms, cerebellar signs, and


86. A 40-year old woman with many lifetime sexual partners is diagnosed with cervical cancer.

      This cancer is common worldwide and has a sexually transmitted viral etiology. The causative

       agent of human cervical cancer is

87. A 50-year-old male went to the ER because of meningitis symptoms. He complained of

       headaches and stiff neck. His hobby is racing and raising pigeons. He is HIV positive and

       routinely takes his anti-retrovial drugs. A lumbar puncture is formed and budding encapsulated yeast

       are identified after an India ink preparation was done.

88. A 30-year-old florist presents at her physician’s office complaining of a ulcerated lesion on her left hand after being pricked by a rose thorn. The doctor notices abcesses running along the lymphatic channels. This dimorphic fungi is

89. A 25-year-old spelunker who lives in Mississippi has a pulmonary infection that is getting worse.

      His Xray shows an infiltrate or darkened left lobe. Sputum showed pear shaped macroconidia and     

      Staining of colonies showed spores resembling sunflowers in bloom’

90. A 30-year-old immigrant from Central America presents with a mild respiratory infection. He

      only has mild changes in his lungs and gave a positive skin test. Sputum was stained and thick

      walled spherical yeast resembling a mariner’s wheel or a boatman’s wheel were seen.


Expert Solution

Ans 85

As such special is not given in the statement but the main cause that may had caused it would be eating Beefsteak. As mentioned the patient develops a severe progressive neurological disease characterized by psychiatric symptoms, cerebral signs and dementia.

These symptoms and the conditions(eating beefsteak) leads to the conclusion that the patient would be Infected from variant Creutzfeldt-Jackob disease which is caused by eating the contaminated beef products specially brain and spinal cord cells or tissues.

variant Creutzfeldt-Jackob disease is a degenerative brain disorder leading to dementia , cerebral palasy and death.

There are so many other signs and symptoms of the Variant Creutzfeldt-Jackob disease which are described below:

  1. ​​​​​​Dementia
  2. Delusion
  3. Lack of concentration
  4. Blurred vision
  5. Inability of speak
  6. Anxiety
  7. Insomnia
  8. ​​​​Difficulty in swallowing

​​​​​​Ans 86

The causative agent of cervical cancer is Human Papilloma Virus(HPV). The HPV causes normal cell to convert into precancerous cells. The HPV causes Cervical cancer and oral cancer. This virus is commonly transmitted through sexual route.

Often vaginal, penile, urethral cancer is also caused by this HPV virus. The HPV 16 virus is mainly responsible for almost half of cervical cancers.


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