In: Finance
Principles of Finance II
WEEK 2: Discussion Prompt #1
After watching the following video, discuss NPV and IRR in terms of conflicting rankings and the theoretical and practical strengths of each approach. v=6RztxNwerOA
While ranking project NPV and IRR give confliction results because
for any project with both positive and negative cash flows during
the tenure of the project there can be multiple IRRs which can
create confusion with regards to chhosing the appropriate IRR . In
other case there might be no IRR.In some cases IRR might favour
projects of smaller scale and reject projects of larger
scale.However NPV provides correct ranking irrespective of timing
of cash flow, (whether there is positive or negative cash flow over
the time period) or the scale of the project.
Thgeoretical and practical strengths of the NPV and IRR: For
selection of a project NPV shopuld be greater than 0 and IRR should
be greater than WACC or required rate of return.Both give similar
results in case of accepting or rejecting a project. However for
ranking a project NPV is better than IRR. NPV gives the increase in
the value to the firm. IRR states whetherit will increase or
decrease the value of firm but can't give details of the magnitude
of the increase or decrease in value.
Best of Luck. God Bless