Using the data shown, you will create two charts. The first chart is a bar chart...

Using the data shown, you will create two charts. The first chart is a bar chart that will display % growth in different job titles between 2010 and 2020Est. The second chart will be a pie chart showing the 2020Est. Jobs in different categories as a % of overall 2020Est. jobs.

Computer-Related Jobs
2010 2020 Est. % Change
Systems Analysts         544,400         664,800
Software App Developers         520,800         664,500
Programmers         363,100         406,800
Network/System Admins         347,200         443,800
CIS Managers         307,900         363,700
Info Security Analysts         302,300         367,900
Database Administrators         110,800         144,800

In: Computer Science

1.What is the difference between group total and subgroup total in chart of accounts of SAGE...

1.What is the difference between group total and subgroup total in chart of accounts of SAGE software? (3)
2.Write down step by step the process of creating a supplier account in SAGE software. (5)
3.What is the importance of invoice in the accounts payable module? (2)
(4) Clearly explain the difference between “back up file” and “save as file” in the SAGE software.

In: Computer Science

Q-1) a client wants to log into a server by using username and password first name...

Q-1) a client wants to log into a server by using username and password first name a suitable http mechanism like cookie or session to make it happen and then make a signal flow diagram to show that how does it happen

In: Computer Science

USE PYTHON. Create a program that will ask a user to enter whole positive numbers. The...

USE PYTHON. Create a program that will ask a user to enter whole positive numbers. The program will use a while loop to let the program keep running. The user will be allowed to use the program as long as the quitVariable is equal to 'y' or 'Y'. When the user decides to quit playing, say "Thanks for playing!". The program will use a for loop to test if the number are even or odd. If even print "number is even", if odd print "odd". The loop will test 5 numbers.

All one program, so a for loop nested in a while loop I think.

In: Computer Science

JAVA Programming Implement the class DataProcess and prompt a user to enter 5 integer numbers. Once...

JAVA Programming

Implement the class DataProcess and prompt a user to enter 5 integer numbers. Once The program should output the average, largest, and smallest of 5 numbers.

You must implement the methods listed below in your program.

static float getAverage(int[] data) {...}

static int getLargest(int[] data) {...}

static int getSmallest(int[] data) {...}

In: Computer Science

What are the Cognition Models for Program Understanding? Explain each one

What are the Cognition Models for Program Understanding? Explain each one

In: Computer Science

PYTHON Ask the user to enter the number of students in the class. Thereafter ask the...


Ask the user to enter the number of students in the class. Thereafter ask the user to enter the student names and scores as shown. Output the name and score of the student with the 2nd lowest score.

NOTE: You may assume all students have distinct scores between 0 and 100 inclusive and there are at least 2 students

NOTE: You may only use what has been taught in class so far for this assignment. You are not allowed to use more advanced topics like lists, functions, dictionaries etc for this assignment

In: Computer Science

Working on a program but nothing is being sent to the output file. How can I...

Working on a program but nothing is being sent to the output file. How can I fix this?

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Topic7Hw {

   static Scanner sc = new Scanner (;
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter ("output.txt");
       final int MAX_NUM = 10;
   int[] acctNum = new int[MAX_NUM];
   double[] balance = new double[MAX_NUM];
   System.out.print("Enter number of initial account: ");
   int numAccts = sc.nextInt();
   readAccts(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   //infinite loop
   System.out.print("Enter option: ");
   char ch =;
   //switch statement
   case 'W': case 'w':
   withdrawal(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   case 'D': case 'd':
   deposit(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   case 'N': case 'n':
   numAccts = newAcct(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   case 'B': case 'b':
   balance(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   case 'Q': case 'q':
   case 'X': case 'x':
   numAccts = deleteAcct(acctNum, balance, numAccts);
   System.out.println("Wrong option. Try again.");

   public static void menu() throws IOException{
       System.out.println("Select one of the following:");
   System.out.println("W - Withdrawal");
   System.out.println("D - Deposit");
   System.out.println("N - New account");
   System.out.println("B - Balance");
   System.out.println("Q - Quit");
   System.out.println("X - Delete Account");
public static void withdrawal(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int numAccts)
   throws IOException {
   System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
   int account = sc.nextInt();
   int i= findAcct(acctNum, numAccts, account);
   System.out.print("Invalid account");
   System.out.print("Enter withdrawal amount: $");
   double amount = sc.nextDouble();
   System.out.print("Invalid amount");
   System.out.println("Transaction Type: withdrawal");
   System.out.println("Account Number: " + acctNum[i]);
   System.out.println("Amount to withdrawal: $" + amount);
   System.out.println("Old Balance: $" + balance[i]);
   balance[i] = balance[i] - amount;
   System.out.println("New Balance: $" + balance[i]);

public static void deposit(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int maxAccts)
throws IOException {
System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
int account = sc.nextInt();
int i = findAcct(acctNum, maxAccts, account);
System.out.print("Invalid account");
System.out.print("Enter deposit amount: $");
double amount = sc.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Invalid amount");
System.out.println("Transaction Type: Deposit");
System.out.println("Account Number: " + acctNum[i]);
System.out.println("Amount to Deposit: $" + amount);
System.out.println("Old Balance: $" + balance[i]);
balance[i] = balance[i] + amount;
System.out.println("New Balance: $" + balance[i]);


public static int newAcct(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int numAccts)
throws IOException {
System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
int acct = sc.nextInt();
int k = findAcct(acctNum, numAccts, acct);
System.out.print("Account already exist!");
return numAccts;
acctNum[numAccts] = acct;
balance[numAccts] = 0;
return numAccts+1;

public static void balance(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int numAccts)
throws IOException {
System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
int acct = sc.nextInt();
int i = findAcct(acctNum, numAccts, acct);
System.out.print("Invalid account");
System.out.println("Account Number: " + acctNum[i]);
System.out.println("Balance: $" + balance[i]);

public static int deleteAcct(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int numAccts)
throws IOException {
System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
int account = sc.nextInt();
int k = findAcct(acctNum, numAccts, account);
if(k==-1 || balance[k]!=0)
System.out.print("Invalid account");
return numAccts;
for(int i=k; i<numAccts-1; i++)
acctNum[i] = acctNum[i+1];
balance[i] = balance[i+1];
return numAccts-1;

public static void readAccts(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int maxAccts)
throws IOException {
for(int i=0; i<maxAccts; i++)
System.out.print("Enter account number: ");
acctNum[i] = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter initial balance: $");
balance[i] = sc.nextDouble();

public static void printAccts(int[] acctNum, double[] balance, int maxAccts)
throws IOException {
System.out.println("Account number Balance ");

PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter ("output.txt");

outputFile.print("Account number Balance ");
for(int i=0; i<maxAccts; i++)
System.out.println(acctNum[i] + "\t$" + balance[i]);

outputFile.print(acctNum[i] + "\t$" + balance[i]);


public static int findAcct(int[] acctNum, int maxAccts, int account)
throws IOException {
for(int i=0; i<maxAccts; i++)
return i;
return -1;


In: Computer Science

takes a single string d as input which represents a date

takes a single string d as input which represents a date

In: Computer Science

Westward Art Gallery sells artwork that includes paintings, sculptures, and pottery. The gallery tracks the id,...

Westward Art Gallery sells artwork that includes paintings, sculptures, and pottery. The gallery tracks the id, title, and artist for each piece of art.

For paintings, the gallery records the media used to create the work. Paintings may be oil, watercolor, pastel, or mixed-media. The gallery also records the painting’s dimensions: length and width. Create an enum for the media. The user should be able to provide an int that will be converted.

For sculptures, the gallery records the material used to create the work. Material may be wood, metal, or plastic. Create an enum for the material. The user should be able to provide an int that will be converted.

For pottery, the gallery records the type of pottery: earthenware, stoneware, porcelain, or ceramic. The gallery also records the dimensions: length, width, and height. Create an enum for the pottery type. The user should be able to provide an int that will be converted.

Implement a print() function in every class that displays the data in the object.

Create a class called Dimensions to store the dimensions of the artworks. This class should be able to store the length, width, and height. Implement a function toString that returns the dimensions as a string one of the following formats:

//all 3 values set 5 X 4 X 2 
//no height set 5 X 4

Create an inheritance-based collection of classes to represent these different types of art. Remember to include error checking.

Sample Output:

Art: Artwork ID: 234

Title: Dahli at Work

Artist: Unknown


Artwork ID: 123

Title: Man with Beer

Artist: Dietrick Buttler

Media: Pastel

Dimensions: 3 X 6


Artwork ID: 242

Title: Jade Head

Artist: Unknown

Type: Stoneware Dimensions: 2 X 3 X 1

Sculptures: Artwork ID: 24214

Title: Everlast Artist: Bernini

Material: Wood

You are given one Cpp(Artwork.cpp) file that must remain unchanged. Needed is a Art,Pottery,paintings,sculptures .cpp and .h files

Included code:

* Do no edit this file

#include "Paintings.h"
#include "Pottery.h"
#include "Sculptures.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

Art a(234, "Dahli at Work", "Unknown");
Paintings painting (123, "Man with Beer", "Dietrick Buttler", 2, 3, 6);
Pottery vase(242, "Jade Head", "Unknown", 1, 2, 3, 1);
Sculptures s (24214, "Everlast", "Bernini", 0);

cout << "Art: " << endl;
cout << endl << endl << "Painting: " << endl;

cout << endl << endl << "Pottery: " << endl;

cout << endl << endl << "Sculptures: " << endl;

return 0;

Hope the instructions are clear thank you

In: Computer Science

Problem description Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter two non-negative integers, firstNum...

Problem description

Write a C++ program that prompts the user to enter two non-negative integers, firstNum and secondNum. The program then prints all palindromic primes (Links to an external site.) between firstNum and secondNum, inclusive.

A palindromic number is a number whose digits are the same forward or backward (e.g., 12321). A palindromic prime is a prime number that is also a palindromic number (e.g., 101).

You must implement and use the following functions as prototyped below:

/// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns 'number' with its digits reversed.
/// @param number The number to reverse.
/// @returns The 'number' with its digits reversed.
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------

int reverse(int number);

/// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns true if 'number' is a numeric palindrome, where 
/// the digits are the same forward and backward.
/// @param number The number to test.
/// @returns true if 'number' is a palindrome, else false.
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------

bool is_palindrome(int number);

/// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// Tests 'number' to see if it is prime.
/// @param number The number to test.
/// @returns true if 'number' is prime, else false.
/// ---------------------------------------------------------------

bool is_prime(int number);

Implementation notes

The reverse function reverses the digits of a number.

Use the reverse function to implement is_palindrome. A number is a palindrome if its reversal is the same as itself.

An integer greater than 1 is prime if its only positive divisor is 1 or itself (i.e., an even number is prime if it is 2; an odd integer is prime if it is not divisible by any odd integer less than or equal to the square root of the number).

Input specification

The input consists of two positive integers in the range [1..1'000'000), separated by white space.

Output specification

Your program will generate one line of output consisting of all palindromic primes within the range [firstNum..secondNum], inclusive. A single space separates each number, and the line is terminated by a newline character.

Sample interaction

$ ./a.out
Enter two positive integers: 1 500
2 3 5 7 11 101 131 151 181 191 313 353 373 383
$ ./a.out
Enter two positive integers: 797 313
313 353 373 383 727 757 787 797

In: Computer Science

Give me a MATLAB code which integrates any function using Romberg integration The code must work...

Give me a MATLAB code which integrates any function using Romberg integration

The code must work fine or else I will down vote the answer badly

Dont post if you dont know

In: Computer Science

The code should be written in c++. It should be in only OpenGL // ***** ONLY...

The code should be written in c++. It should be in only OpenGL // ***** ONLY OpenGL PLEASE ******//

write a program snippet that accepts the coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle centered around the origin, with edges that are parallel to the X and Y axes, and with aspect ratio W and converts it into a rectangle centered around the origin with aspect ratio of 1/W. The program has to

figure W from the given points. You MUST use glScalef(), “just” calculating the new location of vertices is not acceptable.

In: Computer Science

USING JAVA and NOTTT using BufferedReader or BufferedWriter Write an application that implements a simple text...

USING JAVA and NOTTT using BufferedReader or BufferedWriter

Write an application that implements a simple text editor. Use a text field and a button to get the file. Read the entire file as characters and display it in a TextArea. The user will then be able to make changes in the text area. Use a Save button to get the contents of the text area and write that over the text in the original file.

Hint: Read each line from the file and then display the line in the text area using a method, maybe called appendText(aString). A method, maybe called getText, will return all of the text area in a string that then can be written to the file.

In: Computer Science

Using Python C++ Purpose: Write and test a non-trivial 2-d array function. Write a user-defined function...

Using Python C++ Purpose: Write and test a non-trivial 2-d array function. Write a user-defined function that, given an arbitrary 2-d array as input, returns its perimeter sum, which is defined as the sum of all the elements along its perimeter. You must name your function perimeter_sum

In: Computer Science