1. A finite sequence of letters is called a palindrome if it reads the same forward...

1. A finite sequence of letters is called a palindrome if it reads the same forward or backward. Devise an algorithm for determining whether or not a string of n letters is a palindrome. Write your algorithm using the the same sort of pseudocode used in the text. Your algorithm should start with procedure palindrome (a1,a2,...,an: lowercase letters) Your procedure should return the value 0 if the string is a palindrome, and the first integer i such that ai 6=an−i+1 if the string is not a palindrome.

2. Show all steps taken by your algorithm if you input the string the string abcdba. What number does the procedure return?

3. Show all steps taken by your algorithm if you input the string the string azyza. What number does the procedure return?

In: Computer Science

#1 a. When to use an Interface vs when to use an abstract class. For each...

#1 a. When to use an Interface vs when to use an abstract class. For each “when” provide extended example(s) (with class/interface codes). b. Suppose you have an interface Moveable. Think of some interface that can extend it. Implement this two interfaces. (java oop)-> laboratory work

In: Computer Science

Why are e-markets more efficient than traditional markets? What are the main functions of traditional and...

  1. Why are e-markets more efficient than traditional markets?
  2. What are the main functions of traditional and e-markets and explain them briefly.
  3. An e-market can either be biased or unbiased. A biased market can be biased towards either the buyers or the sellers. Explain the differences.
  4. What are the disadvantages of a biased market?
  5. Give an example of how disadvantages you mentioned in the former question have an effect on the probability of success of an e-market place.
  6. Which three factors contribute to the success of e-markets? Give one example for each factor.
  7. What products are most likely to be trades successfully through an e-market place: commodities or specialty goods. Explain why and give one example of both types of goods.
  8. Explain how the element of trust has changed in an e-market perspective compared to a traditional market? Use the following terms in your answer:
    1. Quality of information
    2. Information security
    3. Geographic location
    4. Partnerships

In: Computer Science

As we move closer to choosing tools for data mining it is important to understand what...

As we move closer to choosing tools for data mining it is important to understand what you intend to do with a specific tool.

a. In your own words, describe why you would choose a tool to:

- Predict unknown or future value

- Describe with interesting, interpretable patterns

b. In your own words, briefly describe these data mining techniques:

- Regression (predictive)

- Association Rule Discover (descriptive)

- Classification (predictive)

- Clustering (descriptive)

In: Computer Science

Match each function type correctly. Question 1 options: In this parameter type, the memory location of...

Match each function type correctly.

Question 1 options:

In this parameter type, the memory location of the variables from the invoking function are passed to the called function.

In this parameter type, a copy of the variables from the invoking function are passed to the called function.


Pass By Value


Pass By Reference

In: Computer Science

C++ UNIX car.txt 0001|Mercury|LeSabre|2005|Brown|11000|2019-09-01 0002|Chevrolet|Aveo|2013|Blue|12000|2019-09-02 0003|Datsun|240Z|1979|Orange|13000|2019-09-03 0004|Ford|Galaxie|1964|Black|14000|2019-09-04 0005|Porsche|Boxster|2014|Green|15000|2019-09-0 #i




#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   const int RECORDS = 42;
   ifstream reader("car.txt");
   if(!reader) {
       cout << "Error: cannot open input file" << endl;
       return -1;
   string item[RECORDS];
   int i = 0;
   while(!reader.eof()) {
       if((i+1) % 7 == 0)
   i = 0;
   while(i < RECORDS) {
       cout << "(1) carID= " << item[i++] << endl;
       cout << "(2) carManufacturer= " << item[i++] << endl;
       cout << "(3) carModel= " << item[i++] << endl;
       cout << "(4) carYear= " << item[i++] << endl << endl;
       cout << "(5) carColor= " << item[i++] << endl << endl;
       cout << "(6) carPrice= " << item[i++] << endl << endl;
       cout << "(7) carInventoryDate= " << item[i++] << endl << endl;   
   return 0;

this is my code to read that text file.

and output should be

(1) carID=0001
(2) carManufacturer=Mercury
(3) carModel=LeSabre
(4) carYear=2005
(5) carColor=Brown
(6) carPrice=11000
(7) carInventoryDate=2019-09-01

and so on.

but my output is

(1) carID= 0001
(2) carManufacturer= Mercury
(3) carModel= LeSabre
(4) carYear= 2005

(5) carColor= Brown

(6) carPrice= 11000

(7) carInventoryDate= 2019-09-01

like this. I don't know why there is space between 4, 5, 6, 7

please help me to fix

Thank you

In: Computer Science

make a 4x4 tic tac toe in javascript (X is the user) (O is the computer)

make a 4x4 tic tac toe in javascript (X is the user) (O is the computer)

In: Computer Science

Programming in R test1 [1] 62.21030 57.60602 86.21137 84.73354 83.74019 69.68914 84.57337 68.31329 74.84393 77.75101 69.23417...

Programming in R


[1] 62.21030 57.60602 86.21137 84.73354 83.74019 69.68914 84.57337 68.31329 74.84393 77.75101 69.23417 66.95640
[13] 68.56414 71.97554 63.92802 74.36488 72.45757 72.37171 72.23253 86.86378 91.33591 60.92220 94.63742 78.92828
[25] 85.36320 65.42284 77.67914 74.72229 66.06849 66.18031


[1] 70.92537 61.84501 79.35110 66.56921 85.24835 71.78693 77.12057 82.20876 71.54209 66.11271 62.46592 79.36359
[13] 73.91162 77.18452 71.46808 72.78128 82.57056 78.34531 59.93903 64.00577 72.96255 75.81221 69.76166 68.04771
[25] 64.12077 84.65762 64.87694 80.51515 78.21864 79.27847

The two vectors above (test1 and test2) represent exam scores from two different classes of size 30 (taught by two different teachers). If one class is scoring significantly higher than the other, it could be interpreted that one teacher is more effective than the other.

a. Find the mean test score for each class. Which class did better, based on means? Would you say they did significantly better?

b. Create comparative (side-by-side) boxplots in R for the two classes. Based on these, do you believe one teacher is more effective than the other? Significantly more effective?

c. Create comparative density plots for the two small classes on the same set of axes (you can use par(new=TRUE)) and make sure xlim and ylim are the same). Based on these, do you believe one teacher is more effective than the other? Significantly more effective?

d. Perform a two-sample t-test (one-tailed) to see if there is a difference in the population means for the two classes. Based on these, do you believe one teacher is more effective than the other? Significantly more effective? Significant in what sense?

In: Computer Science

What are the differences between capabilities and ACLs?

  • What are the differences between capabilities and ACLs?

In: Computer Science

Do you think that UML can move into the next decade and still be relevant? If...

Do you think that UML can move into the next decade and still be relevant? If we think about the type of work being done and our increased dependence upon mobile apps and AI, can we count on UML?

In: Computer Science

Why is virtualization so important for managing servers in “the cloud”?

  • Why is virtualization so important for managing servers in “the cloud”?

In: Computer Science

An employment agency needs to convert its basic one-table management system into a modern information management...

An employment agency needs to convert its basic one-table management system into a modern information management system/database that can hold its improving business. You are hired to create this IMS and the first step you are carrying out is normalization. The table that the agency originally uses is the following:

APPLICATION(ApplicantName, AppicantPhone1, ApplicantPhone2, ApplicantAddress, ApplicantFieldOfInterest, ApplicanHighestLevelOfEducation, EmployerBusinessName, EmployerAddress, EmployerPhoneNumber, EmployerCity, EmployerEmail, JobPostingID, JobPostingTitle, JobYearlySalary, InterviewId, InterviewDate, NamesOfInterviewers, OfferDetailsIfApplicable)


- Applicants can be identified by their phone number(s)

- No two employers can have the same name

- Employers can post more than 1 posting

- Applicant can apply for more than one posting

You are required to put the previous table in 4NF (step-by-step: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and 4NF).

In: Computer Science

What are the disadvantages of contiguous files, indexed files, and multi-level indexed files? What general approach...

  • What are the disadvantages of contiguous files, indexed files, and multi-level indexed files?
  • What general approach improves performance of multi-level indexed files?

In: Computer Science

Why are device drivers the most failure-prone part of operating systems? How does the OS designs...

  • Why are device drivers the most failure-prone part of operating systems?
  • How does the OS designs we discussed earlier in the semester, e.g., exokernels, microkernels, etc., address the problem with device drivers?

In: Computer Science

ALL IN PYTHON PLEASE Problem 1: Accept one integer from the user and store that information...


Problem 1: Accept one integer from the user and store that information in a variable called endNo. Use an IF structure to check that endNois a positive number. If endNo is negative, print an error message and stop. If it is positive, use a loop (for or while) to generate odd numbers from 1 to endNo. Calculate the sum of these numbers using an accumulator.


Data input and data type conversions: 2.5 pts
Use of IF structure to verify that endNo is positive: 2.5 pts
Use of loop to generate numbers from a (inclusive) to b (not inclusive): 5 pts
Use of an accumulator (note: print the cumulative sum only once): 5 pts

Problem 2:

Modify problem 1 and allow the user to specify the (a) starting value for the loop, (b) stopping value for the loop, and (c) the step function. Please note that the stopping value must be included in the calculation of your running total. Example of the desired solution:

Enter starting value: 5

Enter stopping value: 15

Enter step value: 5


In the above example, the result (30) is the sum of 5 + 10 + 15. Note that both the starting value and ending value are included in the running total. The step value determines the series.


Modification of the loop function: 5 pts

Problem 3:

Define a VALUE-RETURNING function that accepts one parameter - an integer number. The function, which must be a value-returning function, returns 1 if the number is even or 0 if the number is odd. In the “main” function (i.e. def main()), capture the return value and print an appropriate message on screen (i.e. number is even or odd).


Correctly defined a value-returning function: 5 pts

Correctly capture and use return value from a value-returning function: 5 pts

Sample Output:

Enter n: 4

Problem 4

Write a program to compute the area of a circle some 'n' times. You must accept n and r from the user. Area is calculated using (22/7.0)*r*r - where r is the radius. Implement using value-returning functions. Hint: create a function to calculate area taking r as a parameter. In the main() function, ask for n and create a loop where you input r and invoke the area function n times.


Correct use of a loop to perform n calculations for the user: 5 pts
Correct use of value-returning functions inside a loop structure: 10 pts

Sample Output:

Enter n: 3

Enter r: 34

Area is: 3633.14285714

Enter r: 23

Area is: 1662.57142857

Enter r: 43

Area is: 5811.1428571

In: Computer Science