
In: Computer Science

C++ Bank Account Error Fix, full code. I am using Dev-C++ to Compile and Execute. The...

C++ Bank Account Error Fix, full code. I am using Dev-C++ to Compile and Execute.

The project is below, I have supplied the code and I'm getting an error in SavingsAccount.h file.

17   5   C:\Users\adam.brunell\Documents\Classes\C++\Week4\SavingsAccount.h   [Error] 'SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(std::string, double, double)' is protected


i.SavingsAccount: Assume an Interest Rate of 0.03

ii.HighInterestSavings: Assume an Interest Rate of 0.05, Minimum Balance = $2500

iii.NoServiceChargeChecking: Assume an Interest Rate = 0.02, Minimum of Balance = $1000

iv.ServiceChargeChecking – Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charge if customer exceeds the maximum number of checks = $5.

v.NoServicechargeChecking: Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum Balance = $1000

vi.HighInterestChecking: Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum Balance = $5000

vii.CertificateOfDepsit: Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6


B.Capitalize the first letter of the derived class names.

C.Use the following driver to validate your program:




#include "bankAccount.h"

#include "SavingsAccount.h"

#include "HighInterestSavings.h"

#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"

#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"

#include "HighInterestChecking.h"

#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"

#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


    vector accountsList;

       //SavingsAccount( Name, Account number, Balance ) - Assume an interest rate = 0.03

    accountsList.push_back(new SavingsAccount("Bill", 10200, 2500));

       //HighInterestSavings(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $2500

    accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestSavings("Susan", 10210, 2000));

       //NoServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum balance = $1000

    accountsList.push_back(new NoServiceChargeChecking("John", 20100,


       //ServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charee Excess Number of Checks = $5

    accountsList.push_back(new ServiceChargeChecking("Ravi", 30100, 1800));

       //HighIntererestChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) - Assume an inerest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $5000

    accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestChecking("Sheila", 20200, 6000));

       //Certificate(name, Account Number, Balance, Interest Rate, Number of Months) - Assume an initial interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6

    accountsList.push_back(new CertificateOfDeposit("Hamid", 51001, 18000,

                                                0.075, 18));

    cout << "January:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;


    cout << "\nFebruary:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;


    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




    cout << "\nMarch:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;



    return 0;


The Expected Output is:



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2575.00

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2100.00

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3500.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1790.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6300.00

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $19350.00



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2652.25

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2205.00

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3500.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1780.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6615.00

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $20801.25



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2216.82

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2315.25

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3000.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1270.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6420.75

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $22361.34

Press any key to continue . . .



#include "bankAccount.h"
#include "SavingsAccount.h"
#include "HighInterestSavings.h"
#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"
#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"
#include "HighInterestChecking.h"
#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"
#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;
int main()
vector accountsList;

   //SavingsAccount( Name, Account number, Balance ) - Assume an interest rate = 0.03
accountsList.push_back(new SavingsAccount("Bill", 10200, 2500));

   //HighInterestSavings(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $2500
accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestSavings("Susan", 10210, 2000));

   //NoServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum balance = $1000
accountsList.push_back(new NoServiceChargeChecking("John", 20100,

   //ServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charee Excess Number of Checks = $5
accountsList.push_back(new ServiceChargeChecking("Ravi", 30100, 1800));

   //HighIntererestChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) - Assume an inerest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $5000
accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestChecking("Sheila", 20200, 6000));

   //Certificate(name, Account Number, Balance, Interest Rate, Number of Months) - Assume an initial interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6
accountsList.push_back(new CertificateOfDeposit("Hamid", 51001, 18000,
0.075, 18));

cout << "January:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;

cout << "\nFebruary:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)

cout << "\nMarch:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;
return 0;




using namespace std;

class bankAccount {
bankAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
string getName();
unsigned int getAccountNumber();
double getBalance();
double getInterestRate();
string getStatementString();
void deposit(double amount);
void deposit(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
virtual void printStatement() = 0;
void addStatementLine(string statement, double amount);
string name;
unsigned int accountNumber;
double balance;
static unsigned int nextAccountNumber;
string statementString;

#endif /* BANKACCOUNT_H */


#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

unsigned int BankAccount::nextAccountNumber = 1;

BankAccount::BankAccount(string name, double initialBalance)
stringstream output;

this->name = name;
balance = initialBalance;
accountNumber = nextAccountNumber++;
output << setw(60) << left << "Transaction" << setw(10) << "Amount" << " " << "Balance" << endl;
statementString = output.str();
addStatementLine("Initial Deposit", initialBalance);

string BankAccount::getName()
return name;

unsigned int BankAccount::getAccountNumber()
return accountNumber;

double BankAccount::getBalance()
return balance;

void BankAccount::addStatementLine(string statement, double amount)
stringstream output;
output << setw(60) << left << statement << setw(10) << amount << " " << getBalance() << endl;

void BankAccount::deposit(double amount)
deposit(amount, "Deposit");

void BankAccount::deposit(double amount, string statement)
balance += amount;
addStatementLine(statement, amount);

void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (balance >= amount)
balance -= amount;
addStatementLine(statement, amount);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft"), amount);

string BankAccount::getStatementString()
return statementString;



#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class CertificateOfDeposit : public bankAccount{
CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance, int maturityMonths);
CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance);
int getMaturityMonths();
double getInterestRate();
int getCurrentCDMonth();
int getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths();
void withdraw();
void incrementMonth();
void printStatement();
int maturityMonths;
double interestRate;
int currentCDMonth;
int withdrawalPenaltyMonths;
void withdraw(double amount);
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void deposit(double amount);



#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"

CertificateOfDeposit::CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance, int maturityMonths) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
this->maturityMonths = maturityMonths;
interestRate = 0.05;
currentCDMonth = 0;
withdrawalPenaltyMonths = 3;

CertificateOfDeposit::CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
maturityMonths = 6;
interestRate = 0.05;
currentCDMonth = 0;
withdrawalPenaltyMonths = 3;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getCurrentCDMonth()
return currentCDMonth;

double CertificateOfDeposit::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths()
return withdrawalPenaltyMonths;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getMaturityMonths()
return maturityMonths;

void CertificateOfDeposit::withdraw()
if (getCurrentCDMonth() < getMaturityMonths())
bankAccount::withdraw(getBalance()*getInterestRate()*getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths(), "Early Withdrawal Penalty");
bankAccount::withdraw(getBalance(), "Close Account");

void CertificateOfDeposit::incrementMonth()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance()*getInterestRate(), "Monthly Interest");
if (getCurrentCDMonth() < getMaturityMonths())

void CertificateOfDeposit::printStatement()
cout << "Certificate of Deposit Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Maturity Month: " << getMaturityMonths() << ", Current Month: " << getCurrentCDMonth() << endl;
cout << "Early Withdrawal Penalty: " << getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths() << " (months)" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"


using namespace std;

class HighInterestChecking : public NoServiceChargeChecking {
HighInterestChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void printStatement();



#include "HighInterestChecking.h"

HighInterestChecking::HighInterestChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : NoServiceChargeChecking(name, initialBalance, 5000, 0.05)


void HighInterestChecking::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "High Interest Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "SavingsAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class HighInterestSavings : public SavingsAccount{
HighInterestSavings(string name, double initialBalance);
int getMinimumBalance();
void printStatement();
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
int minimumBalance;



#include "HighInterestSavings.h"

HighInterestSavings::HighInterestSavings(string name, double initialBalance) : SavingsAccount(name, initialBalance, 0.05)
minimumBalance = 2500;

int HighInterestSavings::getMinimumBalance()
return minimumBalance;

void HighInterestSavings::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (amount + getMinimumBalance() <= getBalance())
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, statement);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft. Below Minimum Balance."), amount);

void HighInterestSavings::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void HighInterestSavings::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "High Interest Savings Account Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "checkingAccount.h"


using namespace std;

class NoServiceChargeChecking : public CheckingAccount {
NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber);
void printStatement();
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
double getInterestRate();
int getMinimumBalance();
NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance, int minBalance, double interestRate);
double interestRate;
int minimumBalance;



#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"

NoServiceChargeChecking::NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : checkingAccount(name, initialBalance)
minimumBalance = 1000;
this->interestRate = 0.02;

NoServiceChargeChecking::NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance, int minBalance, double interestRate) : checkingAccount(name, initialBalance)
minimumBalance = minBalance;
this->interestRate = interestRate;

void NoServiceChargeChecking::writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber)
stringstream output;
output << "Check #" << checkNumber;
withdraw(amount, output.str());

void NoServiceChargeChecking::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (amount + getMinimumBalance() <= getBalance())
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, statement);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft. Below Minimum Balance."), amount);

void NoServiceChargeChecking::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void NoServiceChargeChecking::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "No Service Charge Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;

int NoServiceChargeChecking::getMinimumBalance()
return minimumBalance;

double NoServiceChargeChecking::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;



#include "bankAccount.h"

class CheckingAccount : public bankAccount {
CheckingAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
virtual void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber) = 0;




#include "checkingAccount.h"

CheckingAccount::CheckingAccount(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)




#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class SavingsAccount : public bankAccount
SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
double getInterestRate();
void printStatement();
SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance, double interestRate);
double interestRate;



#include "SavingsAccount.h"

SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
interestRate = 0.03;

SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance, double interestRate) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
this->interestRate = interestRate;

double SavingsAccount::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;

void SavingsAccount::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "Savings Account Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class ServiceChargeChecking : public CheckingAccount {
ServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber);
void printStatement();
int checksWritten;
static const int CHECK_LIMIT = 5;
static const int SERVICE_CHARGE = 10;



#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"

using namespace std;

ServiceChargeChecking::ServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : CheckingAccount(name, initialBalance)
bankAccount::withdraw(SERVICE_CHARGE, "Service Charge");
checksWritten = 0;

void ServiceChargeChecking::writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber)
stringstream output;
if (++checksWritten <= CHECK_LIMIT)
output << "Check #" << checkNumber;
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, output.str());

output << "Maximum Limit of Checks Reached. Check # " << checkNumber << " bounced";
addStatementLine(output.str(), amount);

void ServiceChargeChecking::printStatement()
cout << "Service Charge Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;

Receiving Error in SavingsAccount.h

17   5   C:\Users\adam.brunell\Documents\Classes\C++\Week4\SavingsAccount.h   [Error] 'SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(std::string, double, double)' is protected


Expert Solution

Ok so here we go..

I have gone through every file given in this code. That's a pretty big and a good modular code.

Let me solve your query. You wrote that you are getting error

'SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(std::string, double, double)' is protected

Here, in testDeriver.cpp , you have created a SavingsAccount object as

new SavingsAccount("Bill", 10200, 2500). That means it will call the parametrized constructor of it.

Let's look at SavingsAccount.h. Here, this constructor is declared as protected. Protected constructor is used when we want the derived class and not the original base class to instanciate the object. So, if there was a class that derives SavingsAccount, it can call this constructor but the class SavingsAccount itself can not because of it is protected constructor.

So, to solve this error, you can simply just remove "protected:" word from SavingsAccount.h and the error will be gone. Becaus, when you remove this protected access specifier, "public" is written before that. So, this constructor will be treated as public and can be called then.

So, just by removing "protected" you can achieve the solution.

Do comment if there is any query. Thank you. :)

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