Let f:R+∗×R+∗−>R be a function defined by
(a). Show that for all x,y>0:▽f(x,y)=(x+yπ,x+yπ)
(b). Deduce that for all x,y>0:f(x,y)=πln(2x+y)
give an example of a function of several variables, but
without using a mathematical formula. Can you think of a real
life example of something which depends on two, three, or more
things? Dont use textbook examples. This is more of a concept type
of question. Please write in complete sentences
Let f,g:R−>R be to functions defined by
f(x)=(∫0∞e−t2dt)2 and g(x)=∫011+t2e1−x2(1+t2)dt
(a).Show that for all x∈R:f(x)+g(x)=4π
(b). Deduce that ∫0∞e−t2dt=2π
If ? ? ? are random variables density function ? (?, ?) = ??^-?
(?+?), ? <? < ∞, ? <? <∞, find
a) the cumulative joint distribution of ?=?+?
b) the joint distribution of ? = ?/? ? ? = ?
c) the marginal distribution of U
A function of two variables being continuous
Select all that apply
The function is built from elementary functions and algebraic
We can evaluate limits of the function by simply plugging in
Its graph can be drawn without lifting up the pencil
The function's value at each point of the domain is equal to its
limit there.
All the partial derivatives exist.
Fill in the blanks in each of the following.A _______________ is defined as the set of local variables in a
function that are kept alive after the function has returned.All JavaScript objects inherit the properties and functions (or
also called methods) from their _______________ that is created
using an object constructor function.The _______________ operator removes a given property from an
object. (Note that the operator is a keyword, not a symbol.)A ____________________ is a web app that interacts with the...
out the production function.
What do
each of the variables in the function represent? (i.e. factors that
determine productive capability)
of these factors are key to long term sustainable