
In: Computer Science

Write a java program to solve Towers of Hanoi with the condition that there are "m"...

Write a java program to solve Towers of Hanoi with the condition that there are "m" number of rods and "n" number of disks. Where m >= 3 and n >=1.


Expert Solution

public class Main
static void toh(int n ,char beg,char aux,char end)
if(n >= 1)
/* here beg is began rod end is end rod
and aux is auxiliary rod*/
// printing the movement of disk on the rods,
System.out.println(beg+" to "+end);
public static void main(String[] args)
char disk[] = {'A','B','C'};
int m = 3,n = disk.length;

if(m >= 3 && n >= 1)

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