
In: Chemistry

A. If the rate law for the reaction 2A + 3B products is first order in...

A. If the rate law for the reaction

2A + 3B products

is first order in A and second order in B, then what is the rate law?

B. A reaction was found to be third order in A. If the concentration of A is increased by a factor of 3, Then how much the reaction rate will be affected?

C. The overall order of a reaction is 2. What will be the unit of the rate constant? Show calculation.

D. A compound decomposes by a first-order process. If 25.0% of the compound decomposes in 60 minutes, what is the half-life of the compound?

E. What is the frequency factor in the Arrhenius equation?


Expert Solution

A. If the rate law for the reaction

2A + 3B products

is first order in A and second order in B, then what is the rate law?

keep elementary rate:

RATE = -k*[A]^a [B]^b

a = 1 and b = 2 then

RATE = -k*[A] [B]^2

B. A reaction was found to be third order in A. If the concentration of A is increased by a factor of 3, Then how much the reaction rate will be affected?

the rate will be affected

[3A]^3 = 3^3 = 27 times faster!

C. The overall order of a reaction is 2. What will be the unit of the rate constant? Show calculation.
rate = -k*C^2

rate = mol/L-s

C = mol/L


mol/L-s = k * (mol/L)^2

L/mol-s = k

D. A compound decomposes by a first-order process. If 25.0% of the compound decomposes in 60 minutes, what is the half-life of the compound?

half life is given as


we need to find k

log(A0/A) = kt/2.303

substitute for 0.25

log(1/0.75) = k*(60/2.303)

k = log(1/0.75) *(60/2.303) = 3.255025


HL = 0.693/k = 0.693/3.255025 = 0.212901 minutes

E. What is the frequency factor in the Arrhenius equation?

is a factor that corrects all interactions between molecules

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