
In: Accounting

Peak and off-peak times provide an obvious source of equivalence classes for the start and duration...

Peak and off-peak times provide an obvious source of equivalence classes for the start and duration of the call. A call could start during peak or off-peak hours, and it could end in peak or off-peak hours (because the maximum duration of a call is just under an hour, a call can cross the peak/off-peak boundary once, but not twice). A call could also cross over the boundary between days, and this wrapping must be handled correctly.

A good set of boundaries for the start of the call would be: 00:00, 06:00, 07:00, 18:00 and 19:00. A good set of boundaries for the duration of the call would be the minimum and maximum durations – 00:00 and 59:59. We don’t need to test every combination of start time and duration – the duration of the call is only really important if the call starts within an hour of the peak/off-peak switch. We can test the remaining start times with a single duration.

The other input values entered by the user are boolean, so only a true value and a false value needs to be tested for each. Again, we don’t need to test each boolean option with every possible combination of the previous options – one or two cases should be sufficient. code in python OOP.


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Example program:-

import datetime # The first value in each tuple is for distances <= 50km # The second value is for distances > 50km MIN_CHARGE = (59.400, 89.000) CHARGE_PER_SEC = (0.759, 1.761) OFFPEAK_DISCOUNT = (0.4, 0.5) SHARECALL_DISCOUNT = (0.0, 0.5) NEAR, FAR = 0, 1 OFF_PEAK_START = datetime.time(19, 0, 0) HOUR_BEFORE_OFF_PEAK_START = datetime.time(18, 0, 0) OFF_PEAK_END = datetime.time(7, 0, 0) HOUR_BEFORE_OFF_PEAK_END = datetime.time(6, 0, 0) VAT_RATE = 0.14 def price_estimate(start_str, duration_str, destination_str, share_call_str): start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_str, "%H:%M:%S").time() d_m, d_s = [int(p) for p in duration_str.split(":")] duration = datetime.timedelta(minutes=d_m, seconds=d_s).total_seconds() # We set the destination to an index value we can use with the tuple constants destination = FAR if destination_str.lower() == 'y' else NEAR share_call = True if share_call_str.lower() == 'y' else False peak_seconds = 0 off_peak_seconds = 0 if start >= OFF_PEAK_END and start <= HOUR_BEFORE_OFF_PEAK_START: # whole call fits in peak time peak_seconds = duration elif start >= OFF_PEAK_START or start <= HOUR_BEFORE_OFF_PEAK_END: # whole call fits in off-peak time off_peak_seconds = duration else: # call starts within hour of peak/off-peak boundary secs_left_in_hour = 3600 - start.minute * 60 + start.second if start < OFF_PEAK_END: # call starts in off-peak time if duration > secs_left_in_hour: peak_seconds = duration - secs_left_in_hour off_peak_seconds = duration - peak_seconds else: # call starts in peak time if duration > secs_left_in_hour: off_peak_seconds = duration - secs_left_in_hour peak_seconds = duration - off_peak_seconds basic = CHARGE_PER_SEC[destination] * duration offpeak_discount = OFFPEAK_DISCOUNT[destination] * CHARGE_PER_SEC[destination] * off_peak_seconds if share_call: share_call_discount = SHARECALL_DISCOUNT[destination] * (basic - offpeak_discount) else: share_call_discount = 0 net = basic - offpeak_discount - share_call_discount if net < MIN_CHARGE[destination]: net = MIN_CHARGE[destination] vat = VAT_RATE * net total = net + vat return basic, offpeak_discount, share_call_discount, net, vat, total if __name__ == "__main__": start_str = input("Please enter the starting time of the call (HH:MM:SS): ") duration_str = input("Please enter the duration of the call (MM:SS): ") destination_str = input("Was the destination more than 50km away? (Y/N): ") share_call_str = input("Was the call a share-call? (Y/N): ") results = price_estimate(start_str, duration_str, destination_str, share_call_str) print("""Basic cost: %g Off-peak discount: %g Share-call discount: %g Net cost: %g VAT: %g Total cost: %g """ % results)

Example program including coverage test:-

import unittest import trace, sys from estimate import price_estimate class TestEstimate(unittest.TestCase): def test_off_peak(self): # all these cases should fall within off-peak hours and have the same result test_cases = [ ("23:59:59", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("00:00:00", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("00:00:01", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("05:59:59", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("06:00:00", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("06:00:01", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("19:00:00", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("19:00:01", "10:00", "N", "N"), ] for start, duration, far_away, share_call in test_cases: basic, op_discount, sc_discount, net, vat, total = price_estimate(start, duration, far_away, share_call) self.assertAlmostEqual(basic, 455.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(op_discount, 182.16) self.assertAlmostEqual(sc_discount, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(net, 273.24) self.assertAlmostEqual(vat, 38.2536) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, 311.4936) def test_peak(self): # all these cases should fall within peak hours and have the same result test_cases = [ ("07:00:00", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("07:00:01", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("17:59:59", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("18:00:00", "10:00", "N", "N"), ("18:00:01", "10:00", "N", "N"), ] for start, duration, far_away, share_call in test_cases: basic, op_discount, sc_discount, net, vat, total = price_estimate(start, duration, far_away, share_call) self.assertAlmostEqual(basic, 455.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(op_discount, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(sc_discount, 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(net, 455.4) self.assertAlmostEqual(vat, 63.756) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, 519.156) def test_peak_and_off_peak(self): # these test cases cross the peak / off-peak boundary, and all have different results. test_cases = [ ("06:59:59", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("07:00:00", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("07:00:01", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("18:59:59", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("19:00:00", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("19:00:01", "59:59", "N", "N"), ("06:30:00", "00:00", "N", "N"), ("06:30:00", "00:01", "N", "N"), ("06:30:00", "59:58", "N", "N"), ("06:30:00", "59:59", "N", "N"), ] expected_results = [ (2731.641, 36.128400000000006, 0, 2695.5126, 377.371764, 3072.884364), (2731.641, 0.0, 0, 2731.641, 382.42974, 3114.07074), (2731.641, 0.0, 0, 2731.641, 382.42974, 3114.07074), (2731.641, 1056.528, 0, 1675.113, 234.51582, 1909.62882), (2731.641, 1092.6564, 0, 1638.9846, 229.457844, 1868.442444), (2731.641, 1092.6564, 0, 1638.9846, 229.457844, 1868.442444), (0.0, 0.0, 0, 59.4, 8.316, 67.716), # minimum charge (0.759, 0.3036, 0, 59.4, 8.316, 67.716), # minimum charge (2730.882, 546.48, 0, 2184.402, 305.81628, 2490.21828), (2731.641, 546.48, 0, 2185.161, 305.92254, 2491.08354), ] for parameters, results in zip(test_cases, expected_results): basic, op_discount, sc_discount, net, vat, total = price_estimate(*parameters) exp_basic, exp_op_discount, exp_sc_discount, exp_net, exp_vat, exp_total = results self.assertAlmostEqual(basic, exp_basic) self.assertAlmostEqual(op_discount, exp_op_discount) self.assertAlmostEqual(sc_discount, exp_sc_discount) self.assertAlmostEqual(net, exp_net) self.assertAlmostEqual(vat, exp_vat) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, exp_total) def test_far_destination_share_call(self): # now we repeat some basic test cases with a far destination and/or share-call test_cases = [ # off-peak ("23:59:59", "10:00", "Y", "N"), ("23:59:59", "10:00", "Y", "Y"), ("23:59:59", "10:00", "N", "Y"), # peak ("07:00:00", "10:00", "Y", "N"), ("07:00:00", "10:00", "Y", "Y"), ("07:00:00", "10:00", "N", "Y"), ] expected_results = [ (1056.6, 528.3, 0, 528.3, 73.962, 602.262), (1056.6, 528.3, 264.15, 264.15, 36.981, 301.131), (455.4, 182.16, 0.0, 273.24, 38.2536, 311.4936), (1056.6, 0.0, 0, 1056.6, 147.924, 1204.524), (1056.6, 0.0, 528.3, 528.3, 73.962, 602.262), (455.4, 0.0, 0.0, 455.4, 63.756, 519.156), ] for parameters, results in zip(test_cases, expected_results): basic, op_discount, sc_discount, net, vat, total = price_estimate(*parameters) exp_basic, exp_op_discount, exp_sc_discount, exp_net, exp_vat, exp_total = results self.assertAlmostEqual(basic, exp_basic) self.assertAlmostEqual(op_discount, exp_op_discount) self.assertAlmostEqual(sc_discount, exp_sc_discount) self.assertAlmostEqual(net, exp_net) self.assertAlmostEqual(vat, exp_vat) self.assertAlmostEqual(total, exp_total) if __name__ == "__main__": t = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix], count=1, trace=0) t.runfunc(unittest.main) r = t.results() r.write_results(show_missing=True)

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