
In: Computer Science

Write a MASM program that uses a loop to multiply 2 numbers. Use the equal sign...

Write a MASM program that uses a loop to multiply 2 numbers. Use the equal sign directive to define the two numbers. Save the product in the EAX register.


4 x 5 = 4 + 4 +4 + 4 + 4 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5

Language (Assembly)



Expert Solution


The above task can be achieved using the load registers (LDR) and a loop to work around with the numbers.

The numbers can be represented as: (a) 4 = 00 00 00 04

(b) 5 = 00 00 00 05

Area prog, Code, readonly
Main                           ;Main block of the code
   MOV R0, #0x00000000

LOOP                           ;Loop to add the number '4' 5 times
   ADD R0, R0, R1               ;Logic is R0 = R0 + R1
   SUBS R2, R2, #1               ;This is used to decrement the loop value by 1
   BNE LOOP                   ;This command will check the R2 till it gets R2 = 0
   MOV EAX, R0                   ;Move the value in R0 to EAX
Area prog, data, readonly       ;Initializing the data in here
VALUE1 = 00000004               ;VALUE1 is initialize as 4
VALUE2 = 00000005               ;VALUE2 is initialize as 5
END                               ;End the program

Note:- If you have any doubt on any of the command comment it below i will definitely help understand it.

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