
In: Mechanical Engineering

The surface area of a sphere of radius r is S = 4πr2. Its volume is

The surface area of a sphere of radius r is S = 4πr2. Its volume is

V = 4πr3/3.

a. Use MuPAD to find the expression for dS/dV.

b. A spherical balloon expands as air is pumped into it. What is the rate of increase in the balloon’s surface area with volume when its volume is 30 in.3?


Expert Solution

The equations given are

S = 4πr2

V = 4/3 πr3


We need to find the value dS/dV using MATLAB. We can find this using the differentiation rule.

dS/dV = (dS/dr)/(dV/dr)



The MATLAB code is given below:


syms r

S = 4*pi*r^2;

V = (4/3)*pi*r^3;

dif = diff(S, r)/diff(V, r)



We see that

dS/dV = 2/r



Now, volume is V = 30

V = 30

r/3πr3 = 30

r = 1.9275



dS/dV = 2/r = 2/1.9275 = 1.0375.


dS/dV = 2/r = 2/1.9275 = 1.0375.

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