
In: Finance

Whether coal fired power stations are economically viable and has requested that you analyse and report...

Whether coal fired power stations are economically viable and has requested that you analyse and report on the economic viability of a new ultra super critical (USC) coal fired power station to be built . Specific details of the task are provided below.


You are to provide a detailed financial analysis of an USC coal fired power station under two scenarios used in the Finkel Review (2017). The scenarios are:


Business as Usual (BaU)

The electricity market remains in a prolonged period of uncertainty due to limited government action on carbon pricing and abatement. The price of electricity is higher under this scenario.


Emission Intensity Scheme (EIS)

Government to introduce an EIS where electricity generators that emit more than 600 kilograms of carbon per megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity must purchase carbon permits while those that emit less receive permits that they can sell. Permits will need to be purchased for the USC coal fired power station. The electricity price is lower under this scenario.

Detailed information on the life, capital outlay, revenues, expenses and related information is provided in the ‘USC Information.xlsx’ file. The financial analysis is to be completed in Excel with the file being easily adjustable for different scenarios

General Information Detail Units Notes
Construction time 4 years Spread evenly over years of construction with outlay for each year occurring at the start of given year. Initial outlay at 2019.
Years of construction 2019-2022
Life after construction 35 years After plant is complete.
Output 743 MW Mega Watt (MW) is an instantaneous output. So at full output for 1 hour, the plant is said to produce 743MW hours (MWh).                                                                Total output for year = MWh x 24 x 365 x Available Capacity Factor
Emissions 0.7 t of C02-e/MWh
Capital cost 3076000 $/MW Note: Total Outlay = Output x Capital Cost per MW
Cost of fuel (black coal) 2.25 $/GJ Average from Graph
Heat rate 8.85 GJ/MWh
Variable fuel operating costs 19.91 $/MWh VC = $/GJ x Heat Rate.
Variable non-fuel operating cost 1.60 $/MWh
Fixed operating cost 87000.00 $/MW/year Note: Total Fixed Operating Costs =                                                                         Output x Fixed Operating Cost per MW
Schedule maintenance 2.00 Weeks p.a.
Effective outage rate 5.00% p.a.
Available capacity factor 91.15% p.a. (52-Maintenance Weeks)/52 - Outage Rate
Coal inventory days                         60 days Coal is stored on site
Coal inventory        213,04,782 $
Spare parts inventory          20,00,000 $
Working capital        233,04,782 $ Initial working capital investment occurs at the beginning of first full year of operations.
Depreciation Straight-Line Straight-line over operating life (life after construction)
Salvage                          -   $ Assumed $0 due to costs of demolition
Site rectification      1000,00,000 $
Tax 30% Paid the year of income
Business as Usual (BaU) information
Price of electricity under BaU 85 $/MWh Average from Graph
Cost of capital under BaU 10.0% p.a.
Emission Intensity Scheme (EIS) information
Price of electricity under EIS 72 $/MWh Average from Graph
Cost of capital under EIS 10.0%
EIS baseline 0.6 t of C02-e/MWh Permits earned for year =                                                                                      Total Annual Output MWh x                                                                                 (EIS baseline - Emission per MWh)  
Price per EIS permit first year production (2023) 17.71 $/permit Price of EIS permit is in first year of production as it takes 4 years to build power station (2019-2022)
EIS certificate annual compounded growth 5.7% p.a. Compounded growth
Additional Values
Hours 24.0 per day
Days 365.0 per year


Expert Solution

Scenario 1 Amount in $
Business as Usual (BaU)
Initial Cash Flow : Amount   Remarks
Capital Cost         2,28,54,68,000 =743*3076000
Cost of Site Rectification 10,00,00,000
Working Capital Rquirement 2,33,04,782
Subsequent Cash Inflows: 35 years
Total Yearly Production in MWh            59,32,661.82 =743*24*365*0.9115
Revenues            50,42,76,255 =743*24*365*0.9115*85
Less: Variable fuel operating costs            11,81,19,297 =743*24*365*0.9115*19.91
Less: Variable non-fuel operating cost                  94,92,259 =743*24*365*0.9115*1.6
Less: Fixed Operating Cost               6,46,41,000 =743*87000
Less: EIS Certificate Cost                                  -   Nil
Less : Depriciation               6,81,56,229 =(2285468000+100000000)/35
Profit before tax            24,38,67,470
Less : Taxes               7,31,60,241
Profit after tax            17,07,07,229
Add : Depriciation               6,81,56,229
Annual Cash Inflow            23,88,63,458
Terminal Cash Inflows:
Release of working Capital               2,33,04,782
Calculation of NPV at the discount rate of return @ 10%
year PVF (10%,n)- (A) Cash outflow (B) Cash Inflow © Net Cash flow (D=B+C) PV of Cash Inflow (D*A)
0 1 -694671782                  -69,46,71,782         -69,46,71,782
1 0.909091 -571367000                  -57,13,67,000         -51,94,24,545
2 0.826446 -571367000                  -57,13,67,000         -47,22,04,132
3 0.751315 -571367000                  -57,13,67,000         -42,92,76,484
4 0.683013            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          16,31,46,956
5 0.620921            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          14,83,15,414
6 0.564474            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          13,48,32,195
7 0.513158            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          12,25,74,723
8 0.466507            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          11,14,31,566
9 0.424098            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458          10,13,01,424
10 0.385543            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             9,20,92,203
11 0.350494            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             8,37,20,185
12 0.318631            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             7,61,09,259
13 0.289664            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             6,91,90,235
14 0.263331            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             6,29,00,214
15 0.239392            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             5,71,82,013
16 0.217629            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             5,19,83,648
17 0.197845            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             4,72,57,862
18 0.179859            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             4,29,61,692
19 0.163508            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             3,90,56,084
20 0.148644            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             3,55,05,531
21 0.135131            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             3,22,77,755
22 0.122846            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             2,93,43,414
23 0.111678            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             2,66,75,831
24 0.101526            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             2,42,50,755
25 0.092296            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             2,20,46,141
26 0.083905            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             2,00,41,947
27 0.076278            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,82,19,951
28 0.069343            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,65,63,592
29 0.063039            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,50,57,811
30 0.057309            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,36,88,919
31 0.052099            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,24,44,472
32 0.047362            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,13,13,156
33 0.043057            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458             1,02,84,688
34 0.039143            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458                93,49,716
35 0.035584            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458                84,99,742
36 0.032349            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458                77,27,038
37 0.029408            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458                70,24,580
38 0.026735            23,88,63,458                    23,88,63,458                63,85,982
38 0.026734863               2,33,04,782                      2,33,04,782                   6,23,050
Sum or NPV of Project         -38,41,97,199
Decision : Since the NPV of project is negative hence project is not viable

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